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Abstract |
Balagopalan, M; Jose, A.I 1997 A comparison of the effectiveness of various extractants for organic matter fractionation of red ferrallitic soils of Kerala, India. Advances in Plant Sciences: 10: 19-28. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Balagopalan, M; Seethalakshmi, K.K 1997 Physical and chemical properties of red ferrallitic soils as modified by Gliricidia sepium leaf litter in Kerala, India. Advances in Plant Sciences: 10(1): 177-180. (KFRI Scientific
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Balasundaran, M 1997 Disease management in clonal nursery and plantations of Eucalyptus. Vivekanandan, K., et al. (Ed.) Clonal Multiplication of Eucalyptus: p21-26. (KFRI Scientific
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Balasundaran, M; Gnanaharan, R 1997 Timber defects of plantation grown teak and their implication of wood quality. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p129-134. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Balasundaran, M; Mohamed Ali, M.I 1997 Mistletoe problem of teak and its control measures. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p118-122. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Benny, A.G; Bhat, K.M 1997 Circumfrential variation in pulpwood quality attributes in two species of eucalypts selected for disease resistance and higher productivity in Kerala. Iyengar, P.K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Nineth Kerala Science Congress, STEC, Trivandrum, 27-29 January 1997: p17-19. (KFRI Scientific
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Bhat, K.M 1997 Managing teak plantations for super-quality timber. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p28-31. (KFRI Scientific
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Bhat, K.M 1997 Wood properties and utilisation of Indian Albizia species: An assessment in the context of species selection for planting. Farm and Community Tree Research Reports: p140-146. (KFRI Scientific
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Bhat, K.M; Ancy Mathew 1997 Structure-property relationships and mechanical failures in rattan. Jeronimidis, G., Vincent, J.F.V. (Ed.) Plant Biomechanics: p251-258. (KFRI Scientific
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Bhat, K.M; Indira, E.P; Zhang, S.Y; Gosselin, R; Chauret, G 1997 Specific gravity as selection criterion of genetic improvement of teak wood quality: Tree breeder's perspective. Zhang, S.Y., et al. (Ed.) Timber Management Towards Wood Quality and End Product Value. Proceedings of the CTIA IUFRO International Wood Quality Workshop, Quebec City, Canada, 18-22 August 1997: p91-96. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 763) |
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Bhat, K.M; Thulasidas, P.K 1997 Physical and mechanical properties of Eucalyptus grandis and E. tereticornis grown in Kerala. Indian Forester: 123(4): 297-302. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Binkley, D; O'Connell, A.M; Sankaran, K.V 1997 Stand development and productivity. Sadanandan Nambiar, E.K., Brown, A.G. (Ed.) Management of Soil, Nutrients and Water in Tropical Plantation Forests: p419-442. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 735) |
Abstract |
Chacko, K.C 1997 Flowering, fruiting and seed characteristics of Asparagus racemosus. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 21(1): 113-116. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Chacko, K.C; Chandrasekhara Pillai, P.K 1997 Effect of pre-treatments on germination of Asparagus racemosus seeds. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 4(1/2): 23-25. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 777) |
Abstract |
Chacko, K.C; Chandrasekhara Pillai, P.K 1997 Storage and hot water treatments enhance germination of Guanacaste (Enterolobium cyclocarpum) seeds. International Tree Crops Journal: 9(2): 103-107. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 462) |
Abstract |
Chacko, K.C; Chandrasekhara Pillai, P.K 1997 Seed characteristics and germination of Garcinia gummi-gutta (L.) Robs. Indian Forester: 123(2): 123-126. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 464) |
Abstract |
Chacko, K.C; John, S.K; Asokan, A.M 1997 Evaluation of some pre-sowing treatments for germination of teak (Tectona grandis Linn. f.) fruits. Annals of Forestry: 5(1): 55-61. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 463) |
Abstract |
Chand Basha, S; Sankar, S 1997 Future of teak in Kerala. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p208-211. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Chandrashekara, U.M; Sankar, S; Shajahan, P.K; Blowfield, M.E; Boa, E 1997 Fencing patterns in homegardens of Kerala, India: A case study. Range Management and Agroforestry: 18(1): 41-53. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 772) |
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Easa, P.S; Shaji, C.P 1997 Freshwater fish diversity in Kerala part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve. Current Science: 73(2): 180-182. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Easa, P.S; Surendranathan Asari, P.K; Chand Basha, S 1997 Status and distribution of the endangered lion-tailed macaque, Macaca silenus in Kerala, India. Biol. Conserv.: 80: 33-37. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 549) |
Abstract |
Florence, E.J.M; Sharma, J.K 1997 Control of sapstain and mould on rubberwood using sodium azide - laboratory evaluation. J. Tropical Forest Products: 2(2): 187-192. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 325) |
Abstract |
Gilchrist, K.F; McConchie, D.L; Gnanaharan, R 1997 Physical and anatomical features of rubber wood from three cultivars. Indian J. Nat. Rubber Res.: 10(1/2): 86-90. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Gnanaharan, R; Balasundaran, M 1997 Effect of mistletoe attack on teak wood. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p122-123. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 715) |
Abstract |
Gnanaharan, R; Mohanan, C 1997 Ways to minimise harvest wastage of Ochlandra travancorica. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Bamboo, 28-29 November 1996, Bangalore: p125-126. (KFRI Scientific
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Govindarajalu, E; Sasidharan, N 1997 Monographia indicorum fimbristylium precursores - novelties. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 21(2): 373-376. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 704) |
Abstract |
Indira, E.P 1997 Improvement of bamboo for higher productivity. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Bamboos, Bangalore 1996: p141-144. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 739) |
Abstract |
Indira, E.P 1997 Genetic improvement of teak in Kerala: Present status and future strategy. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p154-156. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 741) |
Abstract |
Indira, E.P; Bhat, K.M 1997 Variability and heritability of wood density in teak (Tectona grandis) L. f. J. Tropical Forestry: 13(1): 1-5. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 293) |
Abstract |
Indira, E.P; Rugmini, P 1997 Variability and heritability in Bambusa bamboos (L.) Voss. J. Tree Science: 16(2): 120-122. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 912) |
Abstract |
Indira, E.P; Rugmini, P 1997 Genetic control of seedling height and girth in Ailanthus triphysa. J. Tree Science: 16(1): 56-58. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 910) |
Abstract |
Jayasankar, B; Anitha, V; Muraleedharan, P.K 1997 Economics of bamboo cultivation in homestead agroforestry systems of kerala. Iyengar, P.K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Nineth Kerala Science Congress, STEC, Trivandrum, 27-29 January 1997: p22-24. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 156) |
Abstract |
Jayson, E.A 1997 Status and distribution of larger mammals in Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary. Indian Forester: 123(10): 939-947. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 699) |
Abstract |
Joseph Thomas; Easa, P.S 1997 Calliophis nigrescens (Gunther), (Serpentes: Elapidae) a colour variation from Silent Valley National Park, Kerala. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 94: 166-167. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 800) |
Abstract |
Joseph Thomas; Easa, P.S 1997 Additions to the reptile fauna of Silent Valley, Kerala. Cobra: 27: 31-33. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 938) |
Abstract |
Joseph Thomas; Easa, P.S 1997 Reptile fauna of Peechi-Vazani Wildlife Sanctuary. Cobra: 29: 14-18. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 798) |
Abstract |
Joseph Thomas; Sabu Jahas, S.A; Easa, P.S 1997 Status and distribution of reptiles in Wayanad, Kerala. Cobra: 28: 25-30. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 795) |
Abstract |
Kallarackal, J 1997 Eucalypts - are they bad?. Agro India: 1: 37. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Kallarackal, J; Somen, C.K 1997 An ecophysiological evaluation of the suitability of Eucalyptus grandis for planting in the tropics. Forest Ecology and Management: 95: 53-61. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 435) |
Abstract |
Kallarackal, J; Somen, C.K 1997 Water use by Eucalyptus tereticornis stands of differing density in Southern India. Tree Physiology: 17: 195-204. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 436) |
Abstract |
Kishorekumar, K; Kumar, M 1997 Sinarundinaria microphylla (Munro) Chao & Renv. (Poaceae): A new record of a bamboo for Peninsular India. Rheedea: 7(1): 11-14. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 27) |
Abstract |
Kumar, M; Stephen Sequiera 1997 Lichen flora of Western Ghats: An appraisal. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 21(1): 27-39. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 48) |
Abstract |
Kumar, M; Stephen Sequiera 1997 New records of macrolichens from Silent Valley, Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 21(1): 67-73. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 49) |
Abstract |
Mathew, G 1997 Distribution, infestation progression rate and host range of the teak carpenterworm, Alcterogystia cadambae Moore (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in Kerala, India. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p86-92. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 731) |
Abstract |
Mohamed Ali, M.I; Sudheendrakumar, V.V 1997 Possible use of microbial pathogens against teak pests. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p93-99. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 738) |
Abstract |
Mohanan, C; Sharma, J.K; Florence, E.J.M 1997 Nursery diseases of teak in India. Chand Basha, S., et al. (Ed.) Teak: Proceedings of the International Teak Symposium, Thiruvananthapuram, 2-4 December 1991: p107-112. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 892) |
Abstract |
Nair, K.K.N 1997 A contribution to the bibliography on the angiosperm flora of Kerala State, India.. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 21(2): 441-462. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 69) |
Abstract |
Nair, K.S.S; Easa, P.S 1997 Animal bio-diversity in Kerala forests. Pushpangadan, P., Nair, K.S.S. (Ed.) Biodiversity and Tropical Forests - The Kerala Scenario: p87-102. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 251) |
Abstract |
Nair, K.S.S; Mohanadas, K; Sudheendrakumar, V.V 1997 Biological control of the teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera Cramer (Lepidoptera, Hyblaeidae) using insect parasitoids - problems and prospects. Ananthakrishnan, T.N. (Ed.) Biological Control of Social Forest and Plantation Crop Insect: p75-95. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 821) |
Abstract |