Services » Forest Seeds
Forest Seeds
Kerala Forest Seed Center (KFC) is to collect seeds of superior trees/stands, process, grade, store and supply to KFD and other government departments, non governmental agencies, farmers and others interested in seed of forest tree species for propagation. The seeds supplied will be certified for source, purity, germination percentage and number of seeds per kilogram or gram.
Available Species
Seeds of teak (Tectona grandis), rosewood (Dalbergia sissoides and D.latifolia), bamboo, rattan and several other tropical tree speciesof Kerala will be available for sale. Click here to see the
list of tree seeds provided on request.
Purchase of Seeds

Seeds in ready stock can be purchased from KFSC on all working days between 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Requests for purchase of seeds may be sent to the Scientist-in charge, KFSC. A quotation shall be provided to the purchaser, indicating the total cost for supply and handling charges. On remittance of full payment of the cost by cash or bank draft (payable to the Registrar, KFRI), the seeds shall be sent by parcel/post/courier. For seeds of species which may not be available in stock, order will have to be placed well in advance; at least three months before the seeding time of the species.
Contact: The Scientist-in-Charge
Kerala Forest Seed Centre
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi- 680 653, Thrissur Kerala, India
Telephone: +91-487-2690345, 346 Fax: 0487 -2699 249
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