Services » Services
KFRI Offers following services
- Conducts research on problem subjects in forestry and environment suggested by various agencies including State Government departments
- Undertakes research on long-term research agenda
- Imparts training to Staff of the Forest Departments from Kerala and other States
- Performs Environmental Impact Assessment of development projects
- Collates, organise, analyse and present updated databases on forest resources
- Provides expert opinion on disputed ecological issues to the Judiciary
- Investigates problematic forestry/environmental issues for the Kerala Forest Department
- Assists the State Government/Government Departments for framing forestry related developmental projects and programmes
- Explores and documents new plant, animal and microbial species
- Conducts Seminars/Symposia/Conferences and brings out the collated information
- Facilitates conduct of scientific and science-oriented meetings/conferences
- Offers specialized lectures on various topics on environment, conservation and forestry
- Organizes, maintains and makes available live collections of native plants of various groups such as palms, bamboos, orchids, trees, medicinal plants, threatened plants, etc.