Divisions � Forestry and Human Dimension

Forestry and Human Dimension

Though the division of forestry and Human Dimension has two departments-namely Forest Economics and Sociology the thrust is on interdisciplinary research into human behaviors in natural environments, focusing on the human dimensions of wildlife, fisheries, coasts, protected areas, recreation and climate change; building understandings of people’s behaviours in relation to environmental management and providing knowledge for environmental managers and policy makers.


The Economics and Sociology departments take up research consultancies and human resource development (training and skill up gradation) programmes in the following areas:
  • Participatory Forest Management, socioeconomic aspects of sustainable management of Non-timber Forest Products (NTFPs), PRA/RRA, Environmental Impact Assessment, Social Impact Assessment, Livelihood Impact Assessment, Policy studies
  • Forestry outlook (forest based industries), basic concepts of forest economics and inter-linkages, Economic valuation and Total Economic Value, Quantification of recreational value of a natural ecosystem (data requirements, economic tools and techniques), Estimation of the economic & livelihood potential of a natural resource, Socioeconomic /livelihood studies, Wood-consumption studies, , weed invasion in forests -economic dimensions & socioeconomic relevance, Enterprise development, Soil and Water conservation initiatives etc.
The Departments under this program division are
Contact: Dr. V Anitha
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi 680653, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA
Tel: +91-487-2690301
e-mail: f&hd@kfri.res.in