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Mathew, G; Unni Krishnan Pulikkal 2009 Biology of the palm king amathusia phidippus, an extremely rare and endangered buttrfly of peninsular india. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 106(1): 118-120. (KFRI Scientific
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Muraleedharan, P.K; Anitha, V; Rugmini, P 2009 Bamboo handicraft industry in Kerala State of India: Problems and prospects. Proceedings of 8th World Bamboo Congress, Bankok, 16-19 September 2009: Vol. 7: 48-60. (KFRI Scientific
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Rugmini, P; Jayaraman, K 2009 Intrinsic units of growth for teak trees. Trees: 23: 51-58. (KFRI Scientific
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Abdul Kader, S; Seethalakshmi, K.K 2008 Structure of mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla king) fruit, seed and thier characteristics. Indian J. Forestry: 31(3): 413-416. (KFRI Scientific
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Anitha, V; Muraleedharan, P.K; Santheep, K.V 2008 Traditional bamboo products and their market sustainability in the wake of globalization - An opportunity cost analysis. Indian Forester: 134(3): 428-434. (KFRI Scientific
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Anitha, V; Muraleedharan, P.K; Santheep, K.V; Shijo Thomas, Sreelakshmi, M.P 2008 A planned market intervention for the bamboo sector of Kerala. Indian J. Agri. Econ.: 63(2): 188-197. (KFRI Scientific
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Babu, T.D; Sasidharan, N; Fijesh, P. Vijayan; Jose Padikkala 2008 Comparative phytochemical and biological analysis to detect the genuineness of substitutes of the plant Moovila in Drug preparations. Journal of basics and clinical phycology and pharmacology: 19(2): 119-130, 2008. (KFRI Scientific
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Indira, E.P; Pramod, N. Nair ; Sabna Prabha, S 2008 Evaluation of genetic diversity in teak populations in Kerala using DNA markers. Ansari S.A, Narayanan C, Mandal A.K, (Ed.) Forest biotecnology in India. Delhi, Satish serial publishing house, 2008: p25-30. (KFRI Scientific
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Jayaraman, K; Rugmini, P 2008 Optimizing management of even-aged teak stands using growth simulation model: A case study in Kerala. J. Tropical Forest Science: 20(1): 19-28p. (KFRI Scientific
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Jayson, E.A; Sivaperuman, C 2008 Population of Muggercrocodiles in Neyyar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Reintro Redeux January 2008: January 3: 7-10. (KFRI Scientific
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Krishnankutty, C.N; Balachandran Thampi, K; Mammen Chundamannil 2008 Tree outside forests (TOF): A case study of the wood production-consumption situation in Kerala. International Forestry Review: 10(2): 156-164. (KFRI Scientific
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Krishnankutty, C.N; Mammen Chundamannil 2008 Moisture content in Bamboo (bambusa bambos) in the forests and conversion factors for determining the weight of standing bamboo from the weight of harvested bamboo. International J. For. Usuf. management: 9(2): 41-46. (KFRI Scientific
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Muraleedharan, P.K; Krishnankutty, C.N; Anitha, V 2008 An assessment of bamboo resources in agroforestry home gardens of kerala. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 15(3): 141-145. (KFRI Scientific
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Padmanabhan, P; Sujana, K.A 2008 Animal products in traditional medicine from Attappady hills of Western Ghats. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge: 7(2): 326-329. (KFRI Scientific
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Pramod, N. Nair; Indira, E.P; Sabna Prabha, S; Rajalakshmi, R 2008 Impact of human disturbance on genetic diversity in teak -an assessment through nuclear gene markers. Ansari S.A, Narayanan C, Mandal A.K, (Ed.) Forest biotecnology in India. Delhi, Satish serial publishing house, 2008: p31-36. (KFRI Scientific
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Sabna Prabha, S; Indira, E.P; Pramod, N. Nair; Rajalakshmi, R 2008 Evaluation of mating system and contemporary gene flow in teak using microsatellite markers. Ansari S.A, Narayanan C, Mandal A.K, (Ed.) Forest biotecnology in India. Delhi, Satish serial publishing house, 2008: p43-49. (KFRI Scientific
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Seethalakshmi, K.K; Jijeesh, C.M; Raveendran, V.P 2008 Seed and seedling attributes of melocanna baccifera and Ochlandra travancorica. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan: 7(1/2): 101-108. (KFRI Scientific
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Seethalakshmi, K.K; Jijeesh, C.M; Unni, K.K 2008 Traditional methods for bamboo propagation in nursery. International Conference and Improvement of Bamboo Productivity and Marketing for Sustainable Livelihood 15-17, April 2008, New Delhi: p28-36. (KFRI Scientific
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Abdul Kader, S; Seethalakshmi, K.K 2007 Germination and storage behaviour of mahogany(swietenia macrophylla king) seed. J. Tree Science: 26(1): 1-14. (KFRI Scientific
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Beena, V.B; Seethalakshmi, K.K; Raveendran, V.P 2007 Flowering and reproductive biology of two endemic bamboo species of the Western Ghats - Dendrocalamus stocksii and pseudoxytenanthera ritcheyi. Journal of Bamboo and Rattan: 6(1/2): 11-19. (KFRI Scientific
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Dhinesh Babu; Parameswaran, N.K; Rajeevan, P.K; Radha, T; Augustin, A; Balasundaran, M 2007 Effect of enfyme d- amylase on the promotion of plyembryony in mango (mangiffera indica). Environment and Ecology: 25(2): 250-253. (KFRI Scientific
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Indira, E.P 2007 Effect of seed source and site on growth characters in eucalyptus grandis. Indian J. Forestry: 30(2): 199-204. (KFRI Scientific
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Jayson, E.A; Jayahari, K.M 2007 Conservation status of rodents in India. Shakunthala Sridhara (Ed.) Vertebrate Pests in Agriculture: The Indian Scenario: p387-398. (KFRI Scientific
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Mathew, G; Mary Anto 2007 In situ conservation of butterflies through establishment of butterfly gardens: A case study at Peechi, Kerala, India. Current Science: 93(3): 337-347. (KFRI Scientific
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Muraleedharan, P.K; Anitha, V 2007 Bamboo handicraft industry in Kerala, Indi: Value addition and production technology. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 6(3-4): 165-174. (KFRI Scientific
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Muraleedharan, P.K; Sreelakshmi, K 2007 Economic aspects of sustainable extraction of non-timber forest products. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 14(4): 249-254. (KFRI Scientific
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Sabna Prabha, S; Indira, E.P; Pramod, N. Nair 2007 Contemporary gene flow in natural teak forest of Kerala using microsatellite markers. : 19th Kerala Science Congress, Kannur, January 2007. (KFRI Scientific
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Sasidharan, N; Sujanapal, P 2007 A new species of Humboldtia Vahl (Fabaceae - caesalpinioideae) from Western Ghats, India. Rheedea: 17(1/2): 21-23. (KFRI Scientific
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Sivaperuman, C; Jayson, E.A 2007 Status and conservation of bird fauna in the Vembanad-kole Ramsar Site, Kerala, India. Gupta, V.KVerma, A.K (Ed.) Perspectives in Animal Ecology and Reproduction: Vol. 4: 286-298. (KFRI Scientific
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