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KFRI Research Papers

Jayaraman, K; Zakrzewski, W.T  1996  Regression with autocorrelated errors: Application in stem-profile models. Ontario Forest Research Institute: Forest Research Note No. 53: p8. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 520) Abstract
Jayasankar, B; Muraleedharan, P.K  1996  Economics of homestead production of bamboos in Kerala: Problems and prospects. Siva, M.P., Mathur, R.B. (Ed.) Management of Minor Forest Produce for Sustainability: p202-207. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 155) Abstract
Jayson, E.A; Christopher, G  1996  Sighting of two cat species (Felis sp.) from the Western Ghats, South India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 93(3): 582. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 562) Abstract
Kallarackal, J; Jeyakumar, P  1996  Oil palm in India. Botanica: 46: 61-65. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 433) Abstract
Kallarackal, J; Jeyakumar, P  1996  Atmospheric drought and its physiological effects on oil palm plantations in Peninsular India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Drought Management in Plantations Crops, Kottayam 1996: p17-24. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 432) Abstract
Krishnankutty, C.N; Blowfield, M.E  1996  Bamboo marketing in Southern India. Working Paper 3. Integrated Rural Bamboo Project. : May 1996. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 527) Abstract
Kumar, M; Stephen Sequiera  1996  Impatiens sivarajanii - A new species of Balsaminaceae from Silent Valley National Park, Kerala, India. Rheedea: 6(2): 51-54. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 46) Abstract
Kumar, M; Stephen Sequiera  1996  Distribution of South Indian bamboos and their taxonomic status. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Bamboo, 28-29 November 1996, Bangalore: p18-24. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 711) Abstract
Kumar, M; Stephen Sequiera; Joy, C.C  1996  Report of abnormal branching in two species of orchids from Kerala. Indian Forester: 122(4): 343-345. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 47) Abstract
Mathew, G  1996  Biosystematics of insects and its application in biocontrol programmes. Ambrose, P.D (Ed.) Biological and Cultural Control of Insect Pests, an Indian Scenario: p103-106. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 214) Abstract
Mathew, G  1996  Insect diversity in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve - an overview. Zoos' Print Journal: p11-13. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 215) Abstract
Mathew, G; Rugmini, P  1996  Impact of the borer, Alcterogystia cadambae (Moore) (Lepidoptera: Cossidae) in forest plantations of teak in Kerala, India. Nair, K.S.S., et al. (Ed.) Impact of Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium, Peechi, 23-26 November 1993: p304-310. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 216) Abstract
Mohamed Ali, M.I; Sharma, J.K  1996  Impact of seed microflora on seed germination and seedling vigour of some important indigenous tree species of Kerala. Nair, K.S.S., et al. (Ed.) Impact of Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium, Peechi, 23-26 November 1993: p33-51. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 347) Abstract
Mohamed Ali, M.I; Sharma, J.K  1996  Seedling diseases of some indigenous trees of Kerala and their impact on seedling productivity. Nair, K.S.S., et al. (Ed.) Impact of Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium, Peechi, 23-26 November 1993: p66-80. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 348) Abstract
Mohanadas, K  1996  New records of some natural enemies of the teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera Cramer (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae) from Kerala, India. Entomon: 21(3/4): 251-253. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 222) Abstract
Mohandas, K; Varma, R.V  1996  Ecology and possible control of the Mahogany Shoot Borer, Hypsipyla robusta in Kerala, India. Hypsiphyla Shoot Borers in Mediaceae. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypsipyla, Kandy Sri Lanka: p164-165. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 964) Abstract
Muraleedharan, P.K; Jayasankar, B; Rugmini, P  1996  Economics of cane processing in South India. J. Tropical Forestry: 12(3): 142-150. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 171) Abstract
Muraleedharan, P.K; Jayasankar, B; Rugmini, P  1996  Some economic aspects of cane harvesting in Kerala. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 3(3/4): 202-207. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 172) Abstract
Nair, K.S.S; Biju Babjan; Sajeev, T.V; Sudheendrakumar, V.V; Mohamed Ali, M.I; Varma, R.V; Mohanadas, K  1996  Field efficacy of nuclear polyhedrosis virus for protection of teak against the defoliator, Hyblaea puera Cramer (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae). J. Biol. Control: 10: 79-85. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 736) Abstract
Nair, K.S.S; Mohanadas, K  1996  Early events in the outbreak of the teak caterpillar, Hyblaea puera. International J. Ecol. and Environ. Sci.: 22: 271-279. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 248) Abstract
Nair, K.S.S; Sudheendrakumar, V.V; Varma, R.V; Chacko, K.C; Jayaraman, K  1996  Effect of defoliation by Hyblaea puera and Eutectona machaeralis (Lepidoptera) on volume increment of teak. Nair, K.S.S., et al. (Ed.) Impact of Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium, Peechi, 23-26 November 1993: p257-273. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 249) Abstract
Nair, K.S.S; Varma, R.V; Mathew, G; Sudheendrakumar, V.V; Mohanadas, K  1996  Perceived impact of insect pest problems in forest plantations in Kerala. Nair, K.S.S., et al. (Ed.) Impact of Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium, Peechi, 23-26 November 1993: p317-323. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 250) Abstract
Narayanan, C; Sharma, J.K  1996  Epidemiological studies on blister bark disease of Casuarina equisetifolia caused by Trichosporum vesiculosum. Proceedings of Third International Casurina Workshop, Da Nang, Vietnam, 4-7 March 1996: p80-85. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 376) Abstract
Narayanan, I.V; Swarupanandan, K  1996  Regeneration status of moist deciduous forests in South West India. New Forests: 11: 185-205. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 133) Abstract
Rajesh, K.P; Augustine, J; Sasidharan, N  1996  Occurrence of Rotala ritchiei (Clarke) Koechne (Lythraceae) in Periyar Tiger Reserve, Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 20: 725-727. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 71) Abstract
Renuka, C  1996  Indian rattans - Their diversity and conservation. Manilal, K.S., Pandey, A.K. (Ed.) Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: p165-171. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 93) Abstract
Renuka, C; Indira, E.P; Muralidharan, E.M  1996  Genetic diversity and conservation of certain species of rattans in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and Southern India. Rao, R., Rao, A.N. (Ed.) Bamboo and Rattan Genetic Resources and Use. Proceedings of the Second INBAR-IPGRI Boidiversity, Genetic Resources and Conservation Working Group Meeting, 28-30 November 1995: p48-50. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Renuka, C; Indira, E.P; Muralidharan, E.M  1996  Genetic diversity and conservation of certain species of rattans in Andaman & Nicobar Islands & Southern India. Ramantha Rao, Rao, A.N. (Ed.) Bamboo and Rattan Genetic Resource Use: p48-50. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 894) Abstract
Renuka, C; Rugmini, P  1996  Studies on the ex-situ performance of different species of rattans. Indian Forester: 122(3): 235-240. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 94) Abstract
Rugmini, P; Balagopalan, M  1996  Cluster analysis of soil properties as influenced by elevation. Iyengar, P.K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Eighth Kerala Science Congress, Kochi, 27-29 January 1995: p77-78. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 530) Abstract
Rugmini, P; Jayaraman, K  1996  Estimation of tree volume from girth measurements below breast-height. J. Tropical Forestry: 11(1): 16-22. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 531) Abstract
Sabu Jahas, S.A; Thomas, J; Easa, P.S  1996  A report on the occurrence of sawscaled viper, Echis carinatus in Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Cobra: 25: 13. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 579) Abstract
Sankaran, K.V; Sharma, J.K  1996  Diseases of Paraserianthes falcataria in Kerala and their possible control measures. Nair, K.S.S., et al. (Ed.) Impact of Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium, Peechi, 23-26 November 1993: p134-142. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 391) Abstract
Sasidharan, N  1996  Field identification of forest trees. Manilal, K.S., Pandey, A.K. (Ed.) Taxonomy and Plant Conservation: p179-188. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 110) Abstract
Sasidharan, N  1996  Desmodium uncinatum (Jacq.) DC. (Fabaceae): A new record for India. Rheedea: 6: 71-73. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 109) Abstract
Seethalakshmi, K.K; Barwani, O; Heddon, P; Lewis, M; Maunders, M; Blakesley, D  1996  Auxin and adventitious root initiation in Eucalyptus globulus. 16th Annual Meeting of Tree Biotechnology Liason Group: p18. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 446) Abstract
Seethalakshmi, K.K; Kumar, M; Sarojam, N; Sankara Pillai, K  1996  Status of information on bamboos occurring in India. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Bamboo, 28-29 November 1996, Bamboo Society of India, Bangalore: p41-56. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 712) Abstract
Shaji, C.P; Arun, L.K; Easa, P.S  1996  Garra surendranathanii - a new Cyprinid fish from the Southern Western Ghats, India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 93(3): 572-575. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 584) Abstract
Sharma, J.K; Florence, E.J.M  1996  Fungal pathogens as a potential threat to tropical acacias - Case study of India. Old, K.M., Lee Su See (Ed.) Diseases of Tropical Acacias: p70-113. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 421) Abstract
Sharma, J.K; Mohanan, C  1996  Protection against fungal diseases in forestry. Mukerji, K.G. (Ed.) Advances in Botany: p273-292. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 422) Abstract
Sujatha, M.P; Jose, A.I; Sankar, S  1996  Ochlandra travancorica Benth: A promising plant for sustainable soil management in the Western Ghats of Kerala. Iyengar, P.K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Eighth Kerala Science Congress, Kochi, 27-29 January 1995: p36-39. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 726) Abstract
Swarupanandan, K  1996  An analysis of physical basis and causes of rarity in the Asclepiadaceae R. Br. (s. l.) of Kerala. Karunakaran, C.K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Symposium on Rare, Endangered and Endemic Plant Species of Western Ghats, Trivandrum, 30-31 August 1991: p230-236. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 149) Abstract
Swarupanandan, K; Mangaly, J.K; Sonny, T.K; Kishorekumar, K; Chand Basha, S  1996  The subfamilial and tribal classification of the family Asclepiadaceae. Bot. J. Linn. Soc.: 120: 327-369. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 150) Abstract
SWarupanandan, K; Sankara Pillai, K; Chand Basha, S  1996  Some observations on the evolution of knowledge and disciplines. Lib. Sci. Slant Document. Inform. Stud.: 33(2): 85-92. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 698) Abstract
Varghese, A.O; Menon, A.R.R; Suresh Babu, P.K; Suraj, M.A; Pradeepkumar, M  1996  Remote sensing data utilisation in bamboo stock mapping. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 3(3/4): 105-113. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 151) Abstract
Varma, R.V  1996  Impact of Atteva fabricella (Lepidoptera: Yponomeutidae) on growth of Ailanthus triphysa. Nair, K.S.S., et al. (Ed.) Impact of Diseases and Insect Pests in Tropical Forests. Proceedings of the IUFRO Symposium, Peechi, 23-26 November 1993: p311-316. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 285) Abstract
Veeramani, A; Jayson, E.A; Easa, P.S  1996  Man - Wildlife conflict: Cattle lifting and human casualties in Kerala. Indian Forester: 122(10): 897-902. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 588) Abstract
Viswanath, S; Surendran, T; Chacko, K.C; Suresh, Chand  1996  Effect of fruit grading, pre-sowing treatments and media on germination and growth of Tectona grandis Linn. F. J. Tropical Forestry: 11: 98-102. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 452) Abstract
Balagopalan, M  1995  Effect of differences in forest cover on the variation in soil properties in Kerala, India. J. Tropical Forestry: 11: 125-131. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 499) Abstract
Balagopalan, M  1995  Changes in the distribution of organic carbon and different forms of nitrogen in soils under natural forest and teak plantations. Iyengar, P.K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Seventh Kerala Science Congress, Palakkad, 27-29 January 1995: p110-112. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 498) Abstract
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