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KFRI Research Papers

Sreekumar, V.B.; Hareesh, V.S.; Sreejith, K.A.; Nirmesh, T.K..  2014  Ethnobotanical Studies of Mudugars in Muthikkulam High Value Biodiversity Area with Special Reference to Trees.. Proceedings of 26th Kerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: 28-31 Jan. 2014 2558-2566. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Stephen Sequiera, Kumar Mukesh.  2014  Diversity and ecology of lichens in the Silent Valley National Park, Kerala, India. . 17th Kerala Science Congress January 29-31, KFRI, Peechi 166-168. KFRI Scientific Paper 1480.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Stephen Sequiera, Remesh M, Kumar Mukesh.  2014  Lichens: The unsung members of the Kerala forests. . 17th Kerala Science Congress January 29-31, KFRI, Peechi 181-182. KFRI Scientific Paper 1481. Scientific Paper 1477.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Stephen Sequiera; Kumar, Mukesh  2014  Diversity and ecology of lichens in the silent valley national Park, Kerala, India.. Seventeenth kerala science congress 29-31 Jan 2005, KFRI, Peechi 166-168. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Stephen Sequiera; Remesh, M.; Kumar, Mukesh.Lichens:  2014  The unsung members of the Kerala forests.. Seventeenth kerala science congress 29-31 Jan 2005, KFRI, Peechi 181-182. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sujanapal, P., Robi, A.J. and Sasidharan, N.  2014  Syzygium sahyadricum (Myrtaceae), a new tree species from India and notes on the distribution of S. spathulatum Thwaites. . Phytotaxa 174 (5): 285 -290. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Suma Arun Dev, Muralidharan EM, Sujanapal P, Balasundaran M.  2014  Identification of market adulterants in East Indian sandalwood using DNA barco ding. . Annals of Forest Science 71(4): 517. KFRIScientific Paper 1444.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Suma Arun Dev, Sreekumar, V.B. and Muralidharan, E.M.  2014  Identification of market adulterants in sandalwood and red sanders using DNA barcoding. Proceedings of the International Seminar on Sandalwood: Current Trends and Future Prospects, Institute of Wood Science and Technology (IWST), Bangalore, India, pp. 75 - 76. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Susanne N Bauer, Heike Nowak, Frank Keller, Jose Kallarackal, Mohamad-Reza Hajirezaei, Ewald Komor.  2014  Accumulation, selection and covariation of amino acids in sieve tube sap of tansy (Tanacetum vulgare) and castor bean (Ricinus communis): evidence for the function of a basic amino acid transporter and the absence of a I3-amino butyric acid transporter. . Physiologia plantarum 152: 130-137. KFRI Scientific Paper 1443.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Thulasidas, P.K.  2014  Sustainable management and genetic conservation of teak resources- Indian perspective. Proceedings of project formulation workshop on sustainable management and genetic conservation of teak resources, 26th-27th May 2014, RSPG Premises, Bangkok, Thailand. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Udayan PS, Raghu A V, Sreekumar VB, Muraleedaran EM.  2014  A new variety of Salacia (Celastraceae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala, South India. International. Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences 4(3): 100-102. KFRI Scientific Paper 1447.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Udayan, P.S.; Raghu, A.V.; Sreekumar, V.B.; Muraleedaran, E.M.  2014  A new variety of Salacia (Celastraceae) from the Western Ghats of Kerala, South India.. Journal of Plant, Animal and Environmental Sciences 4(3): 100-102. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Viswanath, Sanal C.; Sreekumar, V.B.; Sujanapal, P.; Sugantha Sakthivel, R.; Sreejith, K.A.  2014  Eugenia singampattiana Beddome: A critically endangered medicinal tree from Southern Western Ghats, India.. J. of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry 3(1): 178-182. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
AbhiIash ES, Menon ARR, Sasidharan N, Sujanapal P, Sreekumar VB, Hareesh VS.  2013  Ecological analysis of abandoned forest plantations of Kannavam in Kerala, India. Asia Pacific. Journal of. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Abhilash, E.S.; Menon, A.R. R.; Sasidharan, N.; Sujanapal, P.; Sreekumar, V.B.; Hareesh, V.S.  2013  Ecological analysis of abandoned forest plantations of Kannavam in Kerala, India.. Asia Pacific Journal of Environment Ecology and Sustainable Development 1: 22-25. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Achar KGS, Vasanthakumari MM, Mahishi P, Mallikarjunaswamy GE and Shivanna MB.  2013  Prevalence and Severity of Anthracnose of Yam (Dioscorea afntn and D.bllibifera) caused by Colletotricchum gloeospo rioides in Bhadra Wildlife Sanctuary in Karnataka.. Journal of Mycology Plant Pathology; 43: 282-290.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Amruth M.  2013  A sanctuary on the hills: History of "Progress" and emergence of conservation ethos in Thiru vitamkur. . Science Chronicie 2(1/2): 1-31. KFRI Scientific Paper 1367.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Amruth, M.A  2013  Sanctuary on the hills: History of \93 Progress\94 and emergence of conservation ethos in Thiruvitamkur.. Science Chronicle 2(1/2): 1-31. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Anitha V, Rajeev B, Krishnakumar J.  2013  Community Participation in Natural Resource Conservation: Forest Rights Act among the Kadars in Kerala. India.. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress for Environmental Research. Aurangabad, India, December 19th_21st.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Anitha V.  2013  Linking conservation and forest management with sustainable livelihoods in Agasthyamala Biosphere Reserve (Kerala) (Invited paper).. Proceedings of the National Seminar on "Biosphere Reserves, National Parks and Protected Area Management – Human Dimension: Issues and Challenges", Central Regional Centre, Nagpur 26th - 27" of September.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Binu Thomas, Chand rashekara U~, Rajendran A.  2013  Floristicdiversity along an alti tudinal gradient of Mannavan Shola forest In southern Western Gha ts of Kerala.. Journal of research in Biology: 2: 101-109.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Chandrashekara UM.  2013  Tree population dynamics in a low elevation. Evergreen forest in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India. International. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Chandrashekara UM.  2013  Assessment of .Ievel of human disturbance. in village-adjacent natural forest plots in the Kerala part of Nli gl Tl BIOsphere Reserve. Internationa l. Journal of Ecology andEnvironmental Sciences 39(4): 211-221. KFRI Scientific Paper 1345.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Chandrashekara, U.M.  2013  Assessment of level of human disturbance in village-adjacent natural forest plots in the Kerala part of Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve.. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences 39(4): 211-221. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Chandrashekhara, U.M.  2013  Tree population dynamics in a low elevation Evergreen forest in the Western Ghats of Kerala, India.. International Journal of Ecology and Environmental sciences 39(4): 231-237. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Deepika N, E9anathan P, Sujanapal P, Parida Ajay . .  2013  Chemical Composition of Syzygium benthamzanum (Wt. ex Duthie) Gamble Essential oil-An endemic and Vulnerable Tree Species.. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 16(2): 289-293. KFRI Scientific Paper 1356.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Deepika, N; Eganathan, P; Sujanapal, P; Parida, Ajay.  2013  Chemical Composition of Syzygium benthamianum (Wt. ex Duthie) Gamble Essential oil - An endemic and Vulnerable Tree Species.. Journal of Essential Oil Bearing Plants 16(2): 289-293. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Govind Surt;sh K, Jayson EA.  2013  Efficiency of chili powder (Capsicum sp.) to deter wild elephants from the crop fields in a tropical area. . Millennium Zoology 14(1): 21-24. KFRI Scientific Paper 1365. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Govind, Suresh K.; Jayson, E.A.  2013  Efficiency of chili powder (Capsicum sp.) to deter wild elephants from the crop fields in a tropical area.. Millennium Zoology 14(1): 21-24. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jayakumar R, Nair KKN.  2013  Species diversity and tree regeneration patterns in tropical forests of the Western Ghats, India.. ISRN Ecology: 1-14. KFRI Scientific Paper 1460.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jayakumar, R.; Nair, K.K. N.  2013  Species diversity and tree regeneration patterns in tropical forests of the Western Ghats, India.. ISRN Ecology 2013 :1-14. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jayson EA, Babu 5, Govind Suresh K.  2013  Recovery of White Tern Gygis alba at Athirapilly, Kerala, India.. Indian Birds 8(6): 163. KFRIScientificPaper1364. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jayson, E.A.; Babu, S; Govind, Suresh K.  2013  Recovery of White Tern Gygis alba at Athirapilly, Kerala, India.. Indian Birds 8(6): 163. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
JOse KalIarackaI, Otieno Dennis 0, Reineking Bjorn, Jung Eun-Young, Schmidt Mark WT, Granier Andre, Tenhunen John D.  2013  Functional convergence in water. Use of trees from different geographical regions: a meta-analysis.. Trees 27(3): 787-799. KFRI SCIentifiC Paper 1441.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose P A, Robi AJ.  2013  Ecosystem analysis with reference to rarity of DnJPetes Malabarica (Bedd.) airy shaw at Shendurney WLS.. Proceedings of 25th Kerala Science Congress, January 29-31, Techno park, Thiruvananthapuram 42-44. KFRI Scientific Paper 1341.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose PA, Pandurangan AG.  2013  Reproductive biology of Gluta travancorica Bedd. an endemic and threatened tree from the Southern Western Ghats, India.. Annals of Forestry 21(2): 165-171. KFRI Scientific Paper 1386.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose PA, Pandurangan AG.  2013  Vivipary in Gluta Travancorica: Its phytogeographic and evolutionary Significance. . Nelumbo 55: 89-93. KFRI Scientific Paper 1349.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose PA, Pandurangan AG.  2013  Seed storage studies on Gluta Traval1corica Bedd. _ An Endemic and threatened tree of Southern Western Ghats.. Indian Journal of Forestry 36(3): 349-352. KFRI Scientific Paper 1334.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose PA, Robi AJ  2013  Ecosystem analysis with reference to rarity of Drypetes malabarica (Bedd.) Airy Shaw at Shendurney WLS In: V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai (ed.),. Proceedings of the Twenty fifth Kerala Science Congress, Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala. Januaryn 29-1 February, Thiruvananthapuram. pp 42-44.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose PA, Sumod M, Chandrasekhara Pillai PK.  2013  Eco restoration of Hydnocarpus macrocarpa and Drypetes malabarica, two endemic endangered trees of the western Ghats.. Evergreen, KFRI News Letter Vol. 69-70 KFRI, Peechi.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose PA, Sumod M.  2013  Enrichment planting and ex-situ conservation of Drypetes malabarica and Hydnocarpus macrocarpa - two endemic and endangered trees of Southern Western Ghats. Abstracts -. Proceedings of National Workshop on Tree seed science and silviculture with special emphasis on tree cultivation outside the forest areas. 132-133. KFRI Scientific Paper 1339.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose, P.A; Pandurangan, A.G.  2013  Seed storage studies on Gluta Travancorica Bedd. _ An Endemic and threatened tree of Southern Western Ghats.. Indian Journal of Forestry 36(3): 349-352. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose, P.A; Pandurangan, A.G.  2013  Vivipary in Gluta Travancorica: Its phytogeographic and evolutionary significance.. Nelumbo 55: 89-93.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose, P.A; Robi, A.J.  2013  Ecosystem analysis with reference to rarity of Drypetes Malabarica (Bedd.) airy shaw at Shendurney WLS.. Proceedings of 25th Kerala science congress, 29-31 Jan 2013, , Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram 42-44. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose, P.A; Sumod, M.  2013  Enrichment planting and ex-situ conservation of Drypetes malabarica and Hydnocarpus macrocarpa - Two endemic and endangered trees of Southern Western Ghats.. Abstracts - National workshop on tree seed science and silviculture with special emphasis on tree cultivation outside the forest areas 132-133. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Joseph Ginu Hareesh VS Sreekumar VB, Hrideek TK.  2013  Rediscovery of Ophiorrhiza radicans (Rubiaceae) from the Western Ghats of Peninsular India. . Rheedea 23(1): 19-21. KFRI Scientific Paper 1394 . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Joseph, Ginu; Hareesh, V.S.; Sreekumar, V.B.; Hrideek, T.K.  2013  Rediscovery of Ophiorrhiza radicans (Rubiaceae) from the Western Ghats of Peninsular India.. Rheedea 23(1): 19-21. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Kallarackal, Jose; Otieno, Dennis O.; Reineking, Björn; Jung, Eun-Young; Schmidt, Mark WT; Granier, André; Tenhunen, John D.  2013  Functional convergence in water use of trees from different geographical regions: a meta-analysis.. Trees 27(3): 787-799. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Kallarakal, Jose.  2013  Religions for a Greener earth.. EJDC 6(2): 43-57. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Kripa, P.K; Prasanth, K.M; Sreeejesh, K.K; Thomas, T.P.  2013  Aquatic macro invertebrates as bioindicators of stream water quality - A case study in Koratty, Kerala, India.. Research Journal of recent sciences 2 (ISC-2012): 217-222. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
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