Mathew, G 2005 Nursery pest problems on some native tree species in Kerala province, India. Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute N0.: 11: 31-36. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1104) |
Abstract |
Mathew, G; Rugmini, P 2005 Impact of human interference on insect species diversity - a study in the Sholayar forest, Kerala. Entomon: 30(4): 289-296. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1133) |
Abstract |
Mathew, G; Shamsudeen, R.S.M; Rashmi Chandran 2005 Insect fauna of peechi-vazhani wildlife sanctuary, kerala, india. Zoos' Print Journal: 20(8): 1955-1960. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1103) |
Abstract |
Muraleedharan, P.K; Anitha, V; Swarupanandan, K 2005 Changes in resource use pattern and its linkages to forest degradation: A case of Shola forests in the Western Ghats, Kerala. Indian J. Soc. Dev.: 5(1): 115-129. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1098) |
Abstract |
Muraleedharan, P.K; Sasidharan, N; Kumar, B.M; Sreenivasan, M.A; Seethalakshmi, K.K 2005 Non-timber forest products in the Western Ghats of India: Floristic attributes, extraction and regeneration. Journal of Tropical Forest Science: 17(2): 243-257. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1097) |
Abstract |
Nair, K.K.N; Jayakumar, R 2005 Floristic diversity of Shola-grassland vegetation in New Amarambalam Reserved Forests of the Western Ghats of India. Indian J. Trop. Biodiv.: 13(1): 1-10. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1129) |
Abstract |
Nair, K.K.N; Mohanan, C; Mathew, G 2005 Preliminary observation on seed and plantation technology for Garcinia gummigutta (Guttiferae): An indigenous and economic tree crop of the Indian Peninsula. Forests, Tree and Livelihoods: 15: 75-87. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1089) |
Abstract |
NAir, K.K.N; Mohanan, C; Mathew, G 2005 Plantation technology for selected indigenous trees in the Indian Peninsula. Bios et Forets Tropique N0.: 285(3): 17-23. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1101) |
Abstract |
Sajeev, T.V; Sudheendrakumar, V.V; Biji, C.P; Helen, M; Varma, R.V 2005 Economics of HpNPV production using field collected and laboratory reared Hyblaea puera (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae). J. Biol. Control: 19(2): 193-196. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1128) |
Abstract |
Sankaran, K.V; Bridge, P.D; Gokulapalan, C 2005 Ganoderma disease of perennial crops in India - an overview. Mycopathologia: 159: 143-152. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1113) |
Abstract |
Sasidharan, K.R; Balu, A; Deeparaj, B; Nicodemus, A 2005 Screening casuarina equisetifolia provenances against the bark caterpillar, Indarbela quadrinotata and possible biochemical factors determining resistance. J. Tropical Forest Science: 17(4): 625-650. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1161) |
Abstract |
Sasidharan, K.R; Varma, R.V 2005 Laboratory evaluation of Beauveria bassiana (Balsamo) Vuillemin against Indarbela quadrinotata Walker (Lepidoptera: Metarbelidae) - a key pest of Casuarina equisetifolia L. in Tamil Nadu. J. Biol. Control: 19(2): 197-200. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1162) |
Abstract |
Sasidharan, N; Sivaram, M 2005 Non-wood forest products resource in teak plantations and moist deciduous forests: A comparative study in Thrissur forest division, Kerala. Bhat, K.M., et al. (Ed.) Quality timber products of teak from sustainable forest management. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi and International Tropical Timber Organisation, Japan: p212-218. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1123) |
Abstract |
Sasidharan, N; Sujanapal, P 2005 The genus Medinilla Gaudich. ex DC. (Melastomataceae) in Peninsular India. Rheedea: 15(2): 103-112. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1146) |
Abstract |
Sivaram, M; Krishnankutty, C.N 2005 Future trends in the availability of teak wood from forest plantations in Kerala State, India. Bhat, K.M., et al. (Ed.) Quality timber products of teak from sustainable forest management. Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi and International Tropical Timber Organisation, Japan: p607-611. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Sreelakshmi, K; Muraleedharan, P.K 2005 Implications of resource use paradigm in sustainable natural resource management: An assessment of the ecologic-economic linkage of the natural resources use by tribal communities in Kerala. Social Science Research Network. p1-4. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1143) |
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Varma, R.V; Julia, R.F 2005 Microbial pathogens in the context of insect pest control in forestry. Pestology: 29(11): 9-13. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Anitha, V; Muraleedharan, P.K; Binilkumar, A.S 2004 Human dimensions in protected area management: Tracing synergies of conservation and livelihood. International J. Environ. Devp.: 1(2): 256-280. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1084) |
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Bhat, K.M; Priya, P.B 2004 Influence of provenance variation on wood properties of teak from the Western Ghat region in India. IAWA Journal: 25(3): 273-282. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1100) |
Abstract |
Jayasree, V.K; Renuka, C; Rugmini, P 2004 Root development in rattans 2. Soil requirements and efficiency of the root systems of Calamus thwaitesii Becc. and Hook. f. Calamus rotang L. in the seedling stage. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 3(1): 3-11. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1080) |
Abstract |
Jayasree, V.K; Sujatha, M.P; Renuka, C 2004 Root morphology and development in rattans. 3. Root system development in Calamus thwaitesii Bece. and Calamus rotang L. in relation to the physical properties of a degraded lateritic soil. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 3(2): 81-90. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1079) |
Abstract |
Jayson, E.A 2004 Habitat utilisation of large herbivores in the Chinnar Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala. Kaul, B.L. (Ed.) Advances in Fish and Wildlife: Ecology and Biology: Vol. 3: 239-250. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1066) |
Abstract |
Jose, P.A; Pandurangan, A.G; Mathew, G 2004 Impact of insect pest incidence on natural populations of Gluta travancoria Bedd: A rare and endemic tree species of the Southern Western Ghats, India. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 11(2): 99-102. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1078) |
Abstract |
Jose, P.A; Pandurangan, A.G; Mathew, G 2004 Insect associated with population dynamics of Ochreinauclea missionis (Wall. ex G. Don) Ridsd - A rare and endemic tree species of the Western Ghats. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 11(3): 166-169. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1094) |
Abstract |
Krishnankutty, C.N 2004 Benefit-cost analysis of bamboo in comparison with other crops in mixed cropping home gardens in Keala State, India. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 3(2): 99-106. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1073) |
Abstract |
Krishnankutty, C.N 2004 Marketting of bamboo (Bambusa bambos) in South India. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 3(3): 203-215. (KFRI Scientific
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Kumar, M; Ramesh, M; Unnikrishnan, N 2004 A new combination in Dendrocalamus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae). SIDA: 21(1): 93-96. (KFRI Scientific
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Kumar, M; Remesh, M 2004 Rediscovery of Schizostachyum rogersii Brandis - A rare, endemic and threatened bamboo from Andaman islands. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 28(2): 502-506. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Mary Anto; Mathew, G 2004 Population monitoring of the Southern birdwing butterfly, Troides minos Cramer in the Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary. Proceedings of the National Seminar cum workshop on butterfly diversity of Western Ghats, Manjeri, October 2004: p48-51. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Mathew, G 2004 Documentation of forest insect diversity - Kerala scenario: An appraisal. : 23(2): 160-163. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Mathew, G 2004 Insect diversity of India and its conservation. Proceedings of the National Seminar cum Workshop on butterfly diversity of Western Ghats, Manjeri, October 2004: p9-19. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1092) |
Abstract |
Mathew, G; Rugmini, P; Sudheendrakumar, V.V 2004 Effect of plantation programmes on insect species diversity - a study in the Parambikulam forest, Kerala, India. Entomon: 29(4): 361-372. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1095) |
Abstract |
Mathew, G; Shamsudeen, R.S.M; Rashmi Chandran; Brijesh, C.M 2004 Insect fauna of Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. Zoos' Print Journal: 19(11): 1680-1683. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1093) |
Abstract |
Mendham, D.S; Kumaraswamy, S; Balasundaran, M; Sankaran, K.V; Corbeels, M; Grove, T.S; O'Connell, A.M; Rance, S.J 2004 Legume cover cropping effects on early growth and soil nitrogen supply in eucalypt plantations in South-Western India. Biology and Fertility of Soils: 39: 375-382. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1110) |
Abstract |
Muraleedharan, K; Sreelakshmi, K; Anitha, V 2004 Marketing, livelihood issues and depletion of non-wood forest products in Kerala. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 11(4): 241-246. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1117) |
Abstract |
Muraleedharan, P.K; Anitha, V; Binilkumar, A.S 2004 Depletion and economic extinction of NTFP resources in Peechi-Vazhani and Chimmoni Wildlife Sanctuaries, Kerala: A socio-economic study. J. Non-Timber Forest Products: 11(1): 1-9. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 896) |
Abstract |
Muraleedharan, P.K; Anitha, V; Simon, T.D 2004 Present status and socio-cultural acceptability of traditional bamboo houses: A study in kerala, karnataka states of india. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 3(3): 283-296. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1071) |
Abstract |
Nair, K.S.S; Sudheendrakumar, V.V; Sajeev, T.V; Mathew, G; Mohanadas, K; Varma, R.V; Sivadas, T 2004 A solar light trap for monitoring forest insect populations. Entomon: 29(2): 111-117. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1077) |
Abstract |
Ramachandran, V.S; Swarupanandan, K; Renuka, C 2004 A traditional irrigation system using palmyra palm(Borassus flabellifer) in kerala, india. Palms: 48(4): 175-181. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1081) |
Abstract |
Renuka, C 2004 Challenges and prospects on rattan research and development: The Asian region scenario. Regional conference on sustainable development of rattan in Asia, Manila, Philippines, January 22-23, 2004: p33-37. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1102) |
Abstract |
Renuka, C; Rugmini, P; Thomas, T.P; Rangan, V.V 2004 The growth of different commercially important rattans at eight years after planting. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 3(3): 187-193. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1072) |
Abstract |
Sankaran, K.V 2004 Fungal taxonomy - scope, constraints and future prospects. Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment. Working taxonomy - Aspects and prospects: A compendium, KSCSTE, Thiruvananthapuram: p72-77. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1114) |
Abstract |
Sankaran, K.V; Chacko, K.C; Pandalai, R.C; Balasundaran, M 2004 Influence of harvest residue management, weed control, legume cover cropping and soil trenching on Eucalyptus productivity in Kerala, India. J. Tropical Forest Science: 16(2): 232-247. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1109) |
Abstract |
Sankaran, K.V; Chacko, K.C; Pandalai, R.C; Kumaraswamy, S; O'Connell, A.M; Grove, T.S; Mendham, D.S 2004 Improved productivity of eucalypt plantations through site management practices in the Monsoonal tropics: Kerala, India. Nambiar, E.K.S., et al. (Ed.) Site management and productivity in tropical plantation of forests. Proceedings of Workshops in Congo, 2003: p61-78. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1112) |
Abstract |
Sudheendrakumar, V.V; Sajeev, T.V; Varma, R.V 2004 Mass production of nucleopolyhedrovirus of the teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera Cramer using host population in teak plantations. J. Biol. Control: 18(1): 81-84. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1075) |
Abstract |
Sujanapal, P; Sasidharan, N 2004 Dry deciduous forests of Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary and its significance to the flora of Keraka. Indian J. Forestry: 27(3): 291-293. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1087) |
Abstract |
Sujatha, M.P; Thomas, T.P; Sankar, S 2004 The potential of reed bamboo (Ochlandra travancoria) for revegetating degrading lateriate soils: a case study in Kerala, India. J. Bamboo and Rattan: 3(4): 329-335. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1124) |
Abstract |
Suma, T.B; Balasundaran, M 2004 Biochemical and molecular studies during ontogeny of somatic embryos in Sandal (Santalum album L.). Plant Cell Biotechnology and Molecular Biology: 5(3&4): 101-108. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1111) |
Abstract |
Veeramani, A; easa, P.S; Jayson, E.A 2004 An evaluation of crop protection methods in Kerala. J. Bombay nat. Hist. Soc.: 101(2): 255-260. (KFRI Scientific
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Abstract |
Veeramani, A; Easa, P.S; Jayson, E.A 2004 Socio-econommic status of cultivators and their interface with wild animals: A case study of Marayur forest range, Kerala. Indian Forester: 130(5): 513-520. (KFRI Scientific
Paper No. 1067) |
Abstract |