Publications » KFRI Research Papers

KFRI Research Papers

Umesh M, Thangadurai D, Kusum PA, Sreekumar VB, Sangeetha J  2019  Molecular diversity in wild populations of Pinanga dicksonii (Roxb.) Bl. (Arecaceae) from the Western Ghats of Karnataka using microsatellite markers. . Scientific Bulletin. Series F. Biotechnologies, Vol. XXIII, ISSN 2285-1364.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Anoja Kurian, Sreekumar V. B, Suma Arun Dev, Muralidharan E. M  2018  Limitations of the Recommended DNA Barcode Regions in Slow Evolving Plants: A Case Study of Rattans in the Western Ghats of India.. J. Bamboo and Rattan, Vol. 17, Nos. 1, pp. 1-10 (2018). (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Aparna, C.R., Nishi Sahu, Deori Maushumi, Suma Arun Dev, Yadav, V. P., and Ghosh, I  2018  Metagenomic exploration of microbial signatures on periyar river sediments from the Periyar Tiger Reserve in the Western Ghats. . Genome An-nouncements 6(11): e00154-18. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Aparna, C.R.; Nishi Sahu; Deori, Maushumi; Suma Arun Dev; Yadav, Vijay Pal; Ghosh, Ilora  2018  Metagenomic Exploration of Microbial Signatures on Periyar River Sediments from the Periyar Tiger Reserve in the Western Ghats.. Genome Announcements 6(11): e00154-18. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Babita Mishra; Sandeep Chakraborty; Sushant Arade; Sruthi Subbanna; Viswanath, Syam.  2018  Assessment of heartwood and oil content of Santalum album Linn. in natural and naturalized populations across contrasting edapho-climatic conditions in India. . Indian Forester 144 (7): 675-685. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Babita Mishra; Sandeep, S.; Sushant Arade; Sruthi Subbanna; Syam Viswanath.  2018  Assessment of heartwood and oil content of Santalum album Linn.In Natural and Naturalized populations across contrasting Edapho-climatic conditions in India.. Indian Forester 144(7):675-685. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Babitha Mishra; Sandeep Chakraborty; Sandhya, M.C.; Viswanath, S.  2018  Sandalwood Farming In India: Problems And Prospects. . Indian Journal of Tropical Biodiversity 26(1)12p. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Bharath Nair and Mallikarjunaswamy, G.E  2018  In vitro efficacy of Trichoderma harzianum against major fungal pathogens of teak and mahogony seedlings. . Inter-national Journal of Life Sciences A9: 49-54. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Bharath Nair and Mallikarjunaswamy, G.E  2018  Rhizoplane and rhizosphere my-coflora of Cynodon dactylon (l.) pers. grass and their antagonistic activity against fungal diseases of mahogany seedlings. International Journal of Current Research in Life Sciences 07: 2179-2182. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Bhaskar D., Easa, P. S. and Hochkirch, A  2018  Digitalisation of Indian Orthoptera types deposited in British Natural History Museum, London (NHMUK) and a checklist to Orthoptera of Kerala, India. . Metaleptea 38 (1). 19-20. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Bindhu, T.K., Sheema, D.P., Udhayan, P.S., Rini Vijayan, K.P. and Raghu, A.V  2018  In vitro conservation of Ipomea mauritiana Jacq.. International Archive of Applied Sciences and Technology 9(1): 13-18. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Chembakassery Jose, Alex; Pattammal Sudhin, Puthoor; Madasseril Prasad, Prejith; Ashtamoorthy Sreejith, Kalpuzha.  2018  Spider Diversity in Kavvayi River Basin, Kerala, Southern India.2018 .. Current World environment 13(1)p.100-112KFRI Scientific Paper 1734. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Divya Soman and Anitha, V.  2018  Bioremediation of municipal sewage water with Azolla microphylla. International Journal of Advanced Research 6(5): 101-108. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
George, K.F.  2018  Data Curation in digital library. . Role of libraries in creating knowledge society, 15-19. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
George, K.F.  2018  RFID technology in libraries. . Librarians role of teaching, 87-94. Daya Publishing House, New Delhi. 2018. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Greeshma P, Jayson EA  2018  Is floating and wading, a common behavior of Indian pond heron (Ardeola grayii). . J. of Entomology and Zoology Studies 6(1): 179-180. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Greeshma Paleeri, Manoj Karingamadathil, Eluvathingal Antony Jayson, Riju P. Nair  2018  Status and composition of heronries in Thrissur district,Kerala, india. . Eco-Chronicle, 13(1):1-6.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Greeshma Paleeri, Riju P. Nair, Eluvathingal Antony Jayson, Manoj Karingamadathil  2018  Breeding of Woolly-necked Stork Ciconia episcopus in Barathapuzha River basin, Kerala, India.. Indian BIRDS 14(3):86-87. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Greeshma, P. and Jayson, E.A  2018  Scavenging by house crow (Corvus splendens) on its own species. . Journal of Bombay Natural History Society 114: 37. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Greeshma, P., Riju P. Nair, Jayson, E.A., Manoj, K., Arya, V. and Shonith, E.G  2018  Breeding of woolly-necked stork, Ciconia episcopus in Bharathapuzha River Basin, Kerala, India. . Indian Birds 14 (3): 86-87. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Greeshma, P.; Jayson, E.A.  2018  Is floating and wading, a common behavior of Indian pond heron (Ardeola grayii).. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies 2018; 6(1): 179-180. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Greeshma, P.; Jayson, E.A.  2018  Asian openbill stork (Anastomus Oscitans), not a nutcracker: A study from kole wetlands of Thrissur, Kerala.. In: Sivaperuman, C., Venkataraman, K. (eds) Indian Hotspots . Springer, Singapore. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Harishma, K.M., Sasi, R., Sreekumar, V.B. and Sandeep, S  2018  Distribution mapping and conservation of Bruguiera sexangula (lour.) poir., Kerala, India. . In-ternational Journal of Life Sciences Research 6 (4): 142 - 146.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose PA, Kuruvila ST, Binoy NM  2018  Distribution and population status of Kin-giodendron pinnatum (Angiosperms: Fabaceae): An endemic and endangered legume tree in southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India. . Journal of Threatened Taxa 10(7): 11963-11968. 1. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Jose, P.A.; Kuruvila, Siju Tom; Binoy, N.M.  2018  Distribution and population status of Kingiodendron pinnatum (Angiosperms: Fabaceae): An endemic and endangered legume tree in southern Western Ghats, Kerala, India.. Journal of Threatened Taxa 10(7): 11963-11968. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Josna. V.K.J., Mallikarjunaswamy, G.E. and Sajeev, T.V  2018  Effect of nickel on bacterial population in soil. International Journal of Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 6: 1971-81.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Mallikarjunaswamy, G.E. and Bharath Nair  2018  Colletotrichum diseases of forest nurseries and their biological management in vitro using rhizoplane mycoflora of grasses. International Journal of Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology 6: 4356-4361. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Manjaiah, K.M, Sandeep, S., Ramesh, T. and. Mayadevi, M.R  2018  Soil organic carbon stocks under different agroforestry systems of north-eastern regions of India. . Agroforestry (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Muhammad, A.A., Tan, M.K, Abdullah, N.A., Azirun, M.S., Bhaskar, D. and Skejo, J  2018  An annotated catalogue of the pygmy grasshoppers of the tribe Seelemenini BolĂ­var, 1887 (Orthoptera: Tetrigidae) with two new Scelimena species from the Malay Peninsula and Sumatra. . Zootaxa 4485. pp70. ISBN 978-1-77670- 477-4. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Renuka, R., Sandeep, S. and Sujatha. M.P  2018  Phosphorus transformations in mangrove soils under microcosm study. . International Research Journal of Envi-ronmental Sciences 7 (12): 21- 35. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sajitha, K.L., Suma Arun Dev and Maria Florence, E.J  2018  Biocontrol potential of Bacillus subtilis B1 against sapstain fungus in rubber wood. . European Journal of Plant Pathology 150: 237-244. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sajitha, K.L.; Suma Arun Dev; Maria Florence, E.J.  2018  Biocontrol potential of Bacillus subtilis B1 against sapstain fungus in rubber wood.. Eur J Plant Pathology 150: 237244. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Samitha, K.A., Rajathy Sivalingam and Sandeep, S  2018  Assessing soil quality in pine apple (Ananas comosus) cultivated areas of Ernakulam district. International Journal of Life Sciences Research 6 (4): 321-326. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Shambhu Kumar and Raghvendra Singh  2018  Curvularia martyniicola, a new species of foliicolous hyphomycetes on Martynia annua from India. . Studies in Fungi 3(1): 27-33. Doi 10.5943/sif/3/1/4 [ISSN 2465-4973]. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Shambhu Kumar, Raghvendra Singh, Singh, D.P. and Kamal  2018  Crousobrau-niella, an interesting new foliicolous hyphomycetous fungus from Uttar Pradesh, India. . Kavak 50: 64-68. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sruthi Subbanna, Syam Viswanath.  2018  Economic analysis of cultivation of bamboo (Bambusa balcooa Roxb. and Dendrocalamus stocksii Munro.) in Konkan belt of Maharashtra, India.. J.Bamboo and Rattan,Vol. 17,Nos. 2, pp. 36 - 52 (2018). (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sruthi Subbanna; Sandhya, M.C.; Pavithra, G.M.; Syam Viswanath.  2018  Influence ofAgroclimatic Parameters on Growth and above Ground Biomass Production of Bambusa balcooa Roxb. and Dendrocalamus stocksii Munro. Two Commercially Important Bamboo Species in India. . Journal of Applied Forest Ecology 6(2)p11-23. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Suma Arun Dev, Saju K. Michael, Anitha, V. and Feroze, M  2018  Particularly vulnerable Cholanaickan tribals are prone to sickle cell disease in near future. . Currrent Science 114 (1): 22-23.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Suma Arun Dev; Michael, Saju K.; Anitha, V.; Feroze, M.  2018  Cholanaickan tribes are prone to sickle cell disease in near future.. Current Science 114(1): 22-23. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Suresh K. Govind, E. A. Jayson.  2018  Crop Damage b Wild Animals in Thrissur District, Kerala, India.. Indian Hotspots:vetebrate faunal diversity conservation and management Vol.2. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Viswanath, S.;Sandeep, S  2018  Carbon Dynamics in Tropical Forest Ecosystems.. 14th National Silviculture Conference-Forest and Sustainanility: Securing DB_Referred=Original common future, Dec 3-5,2018. P65-70. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Yasodha, R., Vasudeva, R., Balakrishnan, S., Sakthi, A.R., Nicodemus, A., Nagara-jan, N., Rajashekar, B., Bachpai, V.K.W., Pillai, P.K.C. and Suma Arun Dev  2018  Genome sequencing of a high value tropical timber tree, Teak (Tectona grandis L. f): Insights into SSR diversity, phylogeny and conservation.. DNA Research 25 (4): 409-419. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Yasodha, Ramasamy; Vasudeva, Ramesh; Swathi Balakrishnan; Rathnasamy Sakthi, Ambothi; Abel, Nicodemus; Binai, Nagarajan; Rajashekar, Balaji; Waman Bachpai, Vijay Kumar; Chandrasekhara Pillai; Suma Arun Dev  2018  Draft genome of a high value tropical timber tree, Teak (Tectona grandis L.f): Insights into SSR diversity, phylogeny and conservation.. DNA Research 0(0): 111. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Amitha Bachan, K.H.; Amruth,  2017  M.FRA and CFR as new institutions for conservation and management of NWFP resources. Medicinal plants: Benefit sharing, development and conservation, 2017: 168-17. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Amruth, M. Pradeep Kumar, S.;  2017  Implications of harvesting practices on the sustainability of biological resources: A case study of medicinal plant resources from the forests of the Western Ghats, Kerala. Medicinal plants: Benefit sharing, development and conservation, 2017: 47-58. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Anoja Kurian, Sreekumar V. B, Suma Arun Dev, Muralidharan E. MA  2017  Review on Molecular Studies of Rattans, with Special Attention to the Genus Calamus (Arecaceae).. J. Bamboo and Rattan, Vol. 16, Nos. 3, pp. 97-114 (2017). (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Bhaskar D, Sreejith KA, Mohanadas K, Easa PS.  2017  Impact of prescribed burning on grasshoppers. . The GSG Newshopper Newsletter, IUCN SSC Grasshopper Specialist Group. Issue 5: 21p. . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Bhaskar, Dhaneesh; Prejith, M. P.; Rajkumar, K. P.; Alex, C. J.; Prasad, T . S.; Sreejith, K.A.  2017  Butterfly Diversity in Lateritic Biotope of Kavvayi River Basin, Kerala, India.. Curr World Environ 2017;12(1).. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Chandrashekara, U.M.  2017  Medicinal plants gardens for developing urban green spaces and plant conservation Medicinal plants: . Medicinal plants: Benefit sharing, development and conservation. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Chandrashekara, U.M.; Sasidharan  2017  Bioresources nature trail in Nilambur, Kerala: Towards biodiversity education . Medicinal plants: Benefit sharing, development and conservation. 2017 p9-14. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
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