Divisions � Library and Information
Library and Information
KFRI Library-functions as a full-fledged resource centre on tropical forestry and as a special repository of literature on teak, bamboo and rattan. It also functions as the national level Bamboo Information Centre.
KFRI library with a core collection of more than 17,000 books and 10,000 back volumes of journals on forestry and allied subjects caters to the information requirements of scientists and research scholars of the Institute and others who are interested. Online access to many of the core journals in forestry and allied subjects is made available which include both national and international journals. Also has the access to CAB's bibliographic database which cover the major subjects like agriculture, environment, forestry, etc. Its archives from 1939 is also possible to use. CAB Abstracts now comes with CABI Full Text and gives access to more than 220,000 journal articles, conference papers and reports. Online access to EBSCO database of Environment Complete is possible, which contains more than 2.4 million records from more than 2,200 national and international titles going back to 1888 as well as more than 190 monographs. The library collections include many of the valuable reference books, doctoral theses, publications of national and international bodies like Forest Research Institute (FRI), APAFRI, IRGWP, IUCN and IUFRO and databases in CDs and DVDs.

Online Catalogue of book and back volume collections of the library developed by using the software KOHA, an open source Integrated Library Management software is made available to access. Digital collections of the library include research reports, scientific papers and other documents published by KFRI scientists, which is possible to access through the Intranet library portal developed for the purpose. Digital resources of the library include KFRI Information Bulletins, Ph D theses, Annual Reports and all the published issues of the Evergreen - KFRI Newsletter. Collections of Ebooks, Eprints, Indian Forest Records and Bulletins (publications of FRI) and the collections of bamboo, teak and cane literature are also possible to search and download. Digital resources of the library is organized by using the software Dspace, an open source repository software. This can be accessed by the scientists and research scholars from their desktops in the institute.
Bamboo Information Centre - India was established in 1989 with the financial support of the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), Canada with the purpose of collecting, proper documentation and dissemination of bamboo information for the easy access of users. Gathered information of published documents and information on bamboo species, researchers and artisans is consolidated and repackaged and brought to the public in different forms. Updation of the website developed for the purpose of achieving the ultimate aim of the project is progressing well.
Indian Forestry Abstracts
Indian Forestry Abstracts (IFA) is a venture of Library Department of Kerala Forest Research Institute (KFRI) to present a comprehensive bibliography of current forestry literature published in India, along with an abstract for each citation. No such abstracting service exists for Indian forestry literature, although International ones like Commonwealth Agricultural Bureau Information system (CABI), AGRIS (FAO) and AGRICOLA (USDA) are widely consulted. The purpose of IFA is to ensure that Indian publications get their due attention from the national and international academic community. IFA is an endeavour to reach Indian forestry research to a wider national and international audience. Visit
IFA Website.
Contact: Head of the Department
Library and Information Division
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi 680653, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA
Tel: +91-487-2690210, 2690215
e-mail: library@kfri.res.in