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KFRI Research Papers

Balagopalan, M; Jose, A.I  1995  Altitudinal effect on tropical and subtropical forest soils in Kerala, India. Annals of Forestry: 3(1): 87-95. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 500) Abstract
Balagopalan, M; Jose, A.I  1995  Soil chemical characteristics in a natural forest and adjacent exotic plantations in Kerala, India. J. Tropical Forest Science: 8: 161-166. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 501) Abstract
Balasundaran, M; Florence, E.J.M; Sharma, J.K  1995  Field screening of Australian provenances of eucalypts against cylindrocladium leaf blight and pink disease. Caring for the Forest - Research in a Changing World. Proceedings of XX IUFRO World Congress, Tampere, Finland, 6-12 August 1995: p166-167. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 312) Abstract
Balasundaran, M; Sharma, J.K; Florence, E.J.M; Mohanan, C  1995  Leaf spot diseases of teak and their impact on seedling production in nurseries. Caring for the Forest - Research in a Changing World. Proceedings of XX IUFRO World Congress, Tampere, Finland, 6-12 August 1995: p170. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 313) Abstract
Bhat, K.M  1995  A note on heartwood proportion and wood density of 8-year-old teak. Indian Forester: 121(6): 514-517. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 633) Abstract
Bhat, K.M; Ancy Mathew  1995  Structural basis of rattan biomechanics. Biomimetics: 3(2): 67-80. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 634) Abstract
Bhat, K.M; Benny, A.G  1995  Improving fibre yield and quality of eucalypts in India: Problems and prospects. Potts, B.M., et al. (Ed.) Eucalyptus Plantations: Improving Fibre Yield and Quality. Proceedings of CRC-IUFRO Conference, Hobart, 19-24 February 1995: p255-257. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 635) Abstract
Chacko, K.C; Chandrasekhara Pillai, P.K  1995  Effect of some pre-sowing treatments on germination of Acacia mangium seeds. Bangladesh Journal of Forest Science: 24(1): 70-73. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 460) Abstract
Chandrashekara, U.M  1995  Ecological and economic benefits of tree components in homestead farming systems of Kerala.. Pillai, P.P., Nair, R.P. (Ed.) Understanding Ecologically Sustainable Economic Development: p104-108. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 21) Abstract
Easa, P.S; Balakrishnan, M  1995  The population, density and structure of Asian elephants in Parambikulam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 92(2): 225-229. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 544) Abstract
Easa, P.S; Shaji, C.P  1995  Puntius melanampyx (Day) - an addition to the fish fauna of Silent Valley. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 92(3): 428. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 545) Abstract
Gnanaharan, R  1995  Sawn timber output from short rotation Acacia auriculiformis. J. Tropical Forest Products: 1(1): 66-70. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 687) Abstract
Gnanaharan, R  1995  Processing rubber wood, a timber from non-conventional source. Proceedings of the National Seminar on Wood Utilization in 2001 and Beyond: p12-18. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 686) Abstract
Jayasankar, B; Muraleedharan, P.K  1995  Marketing of agroforestry products: A study of marketing of bamboos in Kerala. J. Tropical Forestry: 11(2): 149-158. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 154) Abstract
Jayson, E.A; Christopher, G  1995  Sighting of spiny dormouse, Platacanthomys lasiurus Blyth, 1859 in Peppara Wildlife Sanctuary, Trivandrum District, Kerala. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 92(2): 258. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 560) Abstract
Jayson, E.A; Mathew, D.N  1995  Roosting behaviour of common Indian Myna (Acridotheres tristis) at Trichur, Kerala. Pavo: 33(1/2): 41-46. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 561) Abstract
Krishnankutty, C.N; Blowfield, M.E; Boa, E  1995  Bamboo marketing in Kerala, India: A study for the Integrated Rural Bamboo Project. : p1-62. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 526) Abstract
Kumar, M  1995  A re-investigation on the taxonomy of the genus Ochlandra Thw. (Poaceae - Bambusoideae). Rheedea: 5(1): 63-89. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 43) Abstract
Kumar, M  1995  Orchids of Western Ghats: Their distribution and classification. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. (Add. Series): 11(1995): 65-72. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 44) Abstract
Kumar, M; Stephen Sequiera  1995  Pseudoxytenanthera stocksii (Munro) Naithani - A bamboo new record to Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 19(3): 525-528. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 45) Abstract
Mathew, G  1995  Field performance of some indigenous tree species with respect to insect pest incidence in Kerala (India). Indian J. Forestry: 18(2): 133-140. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 212) Abstract
Mathew, G; Rahamathulla, V.K  1995  Biodiversity in the Western Ghats - a study with reference to moths (Lepidoptera: Heterocera) in the Silent Valley National Park, India. Entomon: 20(2): 25-33. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 213) Abstract
Muralidharan, E.M  1995  An evaluation of cost reduction measures in micropropagation. Iyengar, P.K. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Seventh Kerala Science Congress, Palakkad, 27-29 January 1995: p17-19. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 296) Abstract
Muralidharan, E.M; Mascarenhas, A.F  1995  Somatic embryogenesis in Eucalyptus. Jain, S.Gupta, P.Newton, R. (Ed.) Somatic Embryogenesis in Woody Plants.: Vol. 2: 23-40. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 804) Abstract
Nair, K.K.N; Chand Basha, S  1995  Centres in Kerala rich in endemic angiosperms as potential sites for biodiversity preservation.. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 19(3): 719-734. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 67) Abstract
Nair, K.K.N; Pandalai, R.C; Bhat, K.V; Mathew, G; Mohamed Ali, M.I  1995  Botany, wood characteristics and silvicultural techniques of the South-East Asian indigenous timber species - Haldina cordifolia (Haldu).. Annals of Forestry: 3: 53-64. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 68) Abstract
Renuka, C  1995  Reproductive biology of rattans. William, S.T., et al. (Ed.) Genetic Enhancement of Bamboo and Rattan: p135-141. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 92) Abstract
Renuka, C  1995  Genetic diversity and conservation of rattans. Rao, V.R., Rao, A.N. (Ed.) Bamboo and Rattan Genetic Resources and Use: p39-45. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 91) Abstract
Renuka, C; Indira, E.P; Muralidharan, E.M  1995  Genetic Diversity and Conservation of Certain Species of Rattans in Andaman and Nicobar Islands and South India. Proceedings of the second INBAR-IPGRI Biodiversity, Genetic resources and conservation working group meeting: p48-50. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 709) Abstract
Sankaran, K.V; Florence, E.J.M  1995  Macrofungal flora and checklist of plant diseases of Malayattoor forests (Kerala). Advances in Forestry Research in India: 12: 147-168. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 389) Abstract
Sankaran, K.V; Sutton, B.C; Balasundaran, M  1995  Cryptosporiopsis eucalypti sp. nov., causing leaf spots of eucalypts in Australia, India and USA. Mycol. Res.: 99(7): 827-830. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 390) Abstract
Sarojam, N; Hussain, K.H; Sankara Pillai, K; Ravindran, K  1995  CDS/ISIS - Ventura Publisher interface for bulletin generation. Proceedings of the Sixth National CDS/ISIS User Group Meet, Madurai, 10-13 January 1995: c1-c7. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 696) Abstract
Sasidharan, N; Swarupanandan, K  1995  Discovery of some rare and interesting Asclepiads from Kerala. J. Econ. Tax. Bot.: 18: 631-637. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 108) Abstract
Seethalakshmi, K.K  1995  Propagation of Thyrsostachys oliveri by culm cuttings. J. Environ. Resources: 3(1/2): 43-45. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 445) Abstract
Shaji, C.P; Easa, P.S  1995  Extension of range of Noemacheilus (Mesonoemacheilus) petrubanarescui (Menon). J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 92: 427-428. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 582) Abstract
Shaji, C.P; Easa, P.S  1995  Homaloptera menoni - a new homalopterid fish (Pisces: Homalopteridae) from Kerala. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 92(3): 395-397. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 580) Abstract
Shaji, C.P; Easa, P.S  1995  Extension of range of Danio (Brachydanio) rerio Hamilton-Buchanan. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 92: 274. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 581) Abstract
Shaji, C.P; Easa, P.S  1995  Freshwater fish diversity in Wayanad, Kerala, South India. J. Zool. Soc. Kerala: 5(1/2): 30-36. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 707) Abstract
Shaji, C.P; Easa, P.S; Chand Basha, S  1995  Fresh water fish diversity in Aralam Wildlife Sanctuary, Kerala, South India. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc.: 92(3): 360-363. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 583) Abstract
Sharma, J.K  1995  Current pathogen-host stress conditions in Asian tropical forests. Caring for the Forest - Research in a Changing World. Proceedings of XX IUFRO World Congress, Tampere, Finland, 6-12 August 1995: p166. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 902) Abstract
Sharma, J.K; Sankaran, K.V; Balasundaran, M  1995  Screening of different mycorrhizal isolates for Acacia, Casuarina and Pterocarpus growing in degraded acid soils of Kerala. Adholeya, A., Singh, S (Ed.) Mycorrhizae: Boifertilizers for the Future. Proceedings of the Third National Conference on Mycorrhiza, 13-15 March 1995: p534-540. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 420) Abstract
Sudheendrakumar, V.V; Jalali, S.K; Singh, S.P  1995  Acceptance of the teak defoliator, Hyblaea puera (Cramer) (Lepidoptera: Hyblaeidae) by two exotic species of Trichogramma (Hynenoptera: Trichogrammatidae). J. Biol. Control: 9(1): 43-44. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 265) Abstract
Suraj, M.A; Menon, A.R.R; Varghese, A.O; Suresh Babu, P.K; Pradeepkumar, M  1995  Land cover mapping using remote sensing data - a case study for Chimmony Wildlife Sanctuary. Indian Forester: 123(1): 53-60. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 135) Abstract
Sutton, B.C; Sankaran, K.V  1995  A new species of Selenophoma on Elaeocarpus from India. Mycol. Res.: 99: 1199-1200. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 425) Abstract
Swarupanandan, K  1995  Perspectives on the Indian Asclepiadaceae. Kiew, R. (Ed.) The Taxonomy and Phytochemistry of the Asclepiadaceae in Tropical Asia: p17-31. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 148) Abstract
Varma, R.V; Balagopalan, M; Nair, K.S.S  1995  Field evaluation of neem cake as a possible protectant against subterranean termites attacking Eucalyptus seedlings. Annals of Forestry: 3(2): 178-180. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 284) Abstract
Veeramani, A; Jayson, E.A  1995  A survey of crop damage by wild animals in Kerala. Indian Forester: 121(10): 949-953. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 587) Abstract
Balagopalan, M  1994  Soil characteristics in natural forests and Tectona grandis and Anacardium occidentale plantations in Kerala, India. Indian J. Tropical Forest Science: 7: 635-644. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 494) Abstract
Balagopalan, M  1994  Proximate constituents of soil organic matter in relation to elevation in the red ferrallitic soils of Kerala, India. Indian J. Tropical Forest Science: 8: 53-58. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 493) Abstract
Balagopalan, M  1994  Comparison of some physicochemical properties of soils of varying age plantations of Eucalyptus tereticornis in Kerala. Ravikumar, R. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sixth Kerala Science Congress, Thiruvananthapuram, 27-30 January 1994: p328-329. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. 492) Abstract
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