Garcinia gummi-gutta is a multipurpose tree (with edible fruits) found in the evergreen forests of the Western Ghats of Kerala. Information on its seed characteristics is scanty, but seed germination is generally poor. A study carried out at the Kerala Forest Research Institute at Peechi showed that seed coat removal (decoating) before sowing advanced germination and also enhanced cumulative germination from 50 to 90 percent. Viable seeds with a moisture content (m. c.) of 41. 65 percent failed to germinate on drying to 33. 4 m.c., which is indicative of the recalcitrant nature of the seed. Cotyledon colour was classified into 5 groups - light cream, honey dew, new marigold, cherry and damaged. Germination was fastest in new marigold seeds, and cumulative values for germination was more for lighter coloured seeds and fell slightly as colour darkened (from 94 percent in the light cream seeds to 88 percent in the mew marigold seeds over 192 days) . Cherry (dark) seeds did not