Laboratories » Wood science & Technology Lab
Wood science & Technology Lab

Wood Science and Technology Laboratory is attached to Wood Science and Technology
Division and it is the only one of its sort with R & D orientation in Wood
Science and Technology in the state. The laboratory was established in1980 and
has facilities for Wood Preservation, Wood Seasoning, Wood Anatomy and Timber
Identification, Wood Quality Assessments, Wood Utilization, Bamboo and Rattan
Processing, Bamboo House, Rubber wood processing, Charcoal and Activated Carbon,
etc. The lab is equipped with Sledge Microtome, Leica Image Analysis system, Olympus Dual-view Microscope, Nikon Trinolcular Polarized and Fluorescence microscope, Universal Testing Machine, FT-NIR spectroscopy, UV-VIS Spectrophotometer, Refrigerated Centrifuge, Automated Soxtec Extraction System, Homogenizer etc.
Contact: Wood Science and Technology
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi P.O, Thrissur District, Kerala - 680653, India.
Tel: +91-487-2690282