Laboratories » Entomology Lab
Entomology Lab

The entomology laboratory is equipped for research on systematics, ecology of insects and biocontrol of insect pests. The department maintains an insect collection with more than 20,000 insects which serves as reference. Ongoing work in the laboratory includes assessment of belowground diversity, entomopathogens of Western Ghats, and microbial control of insect pests. Apart from the regular equipments the Laboratory has facilities such as Stereozoom microscope 3Nos (Nikon SMZ800, Nikon SMZ1000, Labomed), Compound microscope (Nikon Eclipse 80i),PCR (Applied Biosystems), Gel doc system, Electrophoresis (Genei), Lyophilizer (Christ), BOD incubator, Deep freezer, Centrifuges and Laminar flow chamber.
The laboratory offer facilities for Doctoral and post doctoral scholars in addition to postgraduate interns.
Contact: Deaprtment of Forest Entomology
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi P.O, Thrissur District, Kerala - 680653, India.
Tel: +91-487-2690320