Services » Weather

This project is hosted by the KERALA FOREST RESEARCH INSTITUTE, Peechi, Kerala, India and sponsored by the Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and Environment (Government of Kerala). We are striving to establish more stations at different locations in this network covering more locations. They will be made available as and when ready.
Weather Station Locations:
- Peechi (N10o 31'47.5" E76o22'7.5")
- Nilambur (N11o 17’28.5” E76o 15’36.3”)
- Velupadam (N10o 26'7.4" E76o 21' 32.9")
- Kanthalloor (N10o 26'7.4" E76o 21' 32.9")
Hourly data on atmospheric temperature, relative humidity, solar radiation, wind velocity, wind direction and rainfall are collected using Delta-T automated weather stations. Hourly and weekly reports are available for downloading from this site. The files are in zipped Excel format. The data is available free of cost. However, when using for publication, kindly acknowledge Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi. Use the following links to access or download data free: