Resources » KFSTAT Database
KFSTAT Database

KFSTAT is an installable database that provides spatial and temporal data on themes such as Forest Area, Forest Plantations, Forest Products, Forest Economics, Biodiversity and Forest Fire. The required data in CD can be retrieved in few clicks using the user-friendly visual interface. The system also contains a useful glossary. The database was developed by collecting data from several secondary sources and by compiling information obtained through various agencies particularly the Kerala Forest Department with an intention to undertake data mining and developing decision support system. Besides this there are datasets on the following aspects of tropical forestry in general and specific to the Kerala situation generated from explorations by scientists at the institute.
- Floral and faunal wealth of the tropical forests of the Western Ghats (esp. Vascular and non vascular flora, pathogenic and benign mycological species, faunal communities in the humid and dry tropical forests etc.)
- Population density estimations from periodic wildlife census in the natural forests of Kerala
- Weather patterns in the selected localities
- Forest dynamics from monitoring of permanent and semi permanent plots
- Response of various tree species to in situ and ex situ silvicultural treatments
- Wood balance studies and wood utilisation
- Quality and properties of wood of various tree species
- Forest invasives, pests and pathogens and their control
- Forest dependent communities and livelihood improvement of bamboo-dependent and marginalised communities in the context of participatory forest management
- Improving the productivity of manmade forests, the water use efficiency of different tree crops