Ecophysiological and Biochemical studies on seed viability loss in Dysoxylum malabaricum Bedd. and Persea macrantha (Nees.) Kosterm. - two threatened tree species of Western Ghats, Kerala. Dr. PA Jose, Vidya R. (Uni: CU,2018) |
Effect of elicitation and precursor feeding on the production of Oroxylin A, Chrysin and Baicalein in in vitro cultures of Oroxylum indicum (L.) Kurz. Dr. AV Raghu , Sreeja C.S (Uni: CU,2018) |
Bioactivity and mechanistic studies of certain botanical extracts for their potential application as biopesticides Dr. R Jayaraj, Alina Paul (Uni: CUSAT,2017) |
Seasonal influence on phenology of woody species in a tropical Wet evergreen forest of Southern Western Ghats, India Dr. VB Sreekumar, Thasini VM (Uni: CUSAT,2017) |
Morphological, anatomical and molecular chracterization of two endemic bamboo species Oxytenanthera bourdillonii gamble and Oxytenanthera monadelpha (thw.) Alst in Kela. Dr. Syam Viswanath, Krishnapriya (Uni: CU,2022) |
Diversity and seasonal variation of fresh water algae in the protected forests of central Kerala, Western Ghats Dr. VB Sreekumar, Bibina (Uni: CU,2022) |
Distribution Ecology and status of golden jackal (Canis aureus) in Kannur district of Kerala Dr. TV Sajeev , Navya K K (Uni: CU,2022) |
Taxonomy and Distribution of Freshwater Algae in Eravikulam National Park, Southern Western Ghats Dr. VB Sreekumar, Ammini CJ (Uni: CU,2022) |
Conservation Biology and Endophytic Fungal Assemblages of Aglaia Malabarica Sasidh., An Endangered Tree of the Southern Western Ghats. Dr. GE Mallikarjunaswamy, Praveena S (Uni: CU,2022) |
Spread Ecology and Impact of the Red Eared Slider Turtle, Trachemys scripta elegans (Weid, 1839) in Kerala. Dr. TV Sajeev , Devika R (Uni: CU,2024) |
Chemistry and transformation of soil systems under fires in the humid tropical forest systems of Southern Western Ghats Dr. S Sandeep, Athira Saleevan (Uni: CUSAT,2024) |
Impact of Fire on Forested Watershed Health in Kerala using GIS and Remote Sensing Techniques Dr. S Sandeep, Aswathy K Vijayan (Uni: CUSAT,2024) |
Socio hydrology of Northern Thrissur District, Kerala Dr. TV Sajeev , Anand Zacharias (Uni: CUSAT,2024) |
Biomimetic Analysis of Insect Architecture with Special Reference to Home Making WASPS. Dr. TV Sajeev , Nimmi Haridas (Uni: CU,2024) |
Synthesis of zelite nanocomposites from siliceous natural source fornutrient encapsulation. Dr. S Sandeep, Mahida M (Uni: CUSAT,2024) |