Diversity and abundance of tree-microhabitats and its potential as indicators of vertebrate diversity in tropical rainforests of the Western Ghats. Dr. P. Balakrishnan, Bharati Patel (Uni: FRI-U, Ph.D Awarded on 2024) |
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Study on the impact of allelochemicals of Senna spectabilis (DC.) Irwin & Barneby invasion in Wayanad, Kerala Dr. TK Hrideek , Suby (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2024) |
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Conservation biology of Atuna indica (Bedd.) Kosterm. And Hydnocarpus longipedunculatus Robi et al., two endemic tree species of Western Ghats of Kerala. Dr. PA Jose, Subin K (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2023) |
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Molecular fingerprints and geo-chemical interactions of organo-nano composites from forest floor humic acids in Western Ghats, Kerala Dr. S Sandeep, Ninu Jose M (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2023) |
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Molecular diagnostic markers for authentication and early sexing of Coscinium fenestratum (Gaertn.) Colebr Dr. Suma Arun Dev, Remya Unnikrishnan (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2023) |
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Molecular characterization and adaptive genetic diversity linked to wood property traits for sustainable management of teak genetic resources Dr. Suma Arun Dev, Swathi Balakrishnan (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2023) |
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Carbon dynamics in mangrove systems of Kerala Dr. VB Sreekumar, Harishma KM (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2022) |
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Systematics and phylogeny of dipterocarps in the Western Ghats, India Dr. VB Sreekumar, Sanil. M.S. (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2022) |
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Studies on plus tree selection, variability and seed biology of Terminalia paniculata Roth (Combretaceae) in Kerala part of peninsular India Dr. TK Hrideek , Sanal C. Viswanath (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2022) |
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Studies on variability, phenology and management methods of the alien invasive tree, Senna Spectabilis (DC.) Irwin & Barneby in Kerala, India Dr. TK Hrideek , Muraleekrishnan K (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2022) |
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Biocontrol potential of rhizosphere and rhizoplane fungi of selected grasses against certain fungal diseases of forest nursery seedlings Dr. GE Mallikarjunaswamy, Bharath Nair (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2022) |
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Diversity and fire induced behavioural dynamics of short-horned grasshoppers (Insecta: Orthoptera: Caelifera) in Eravikulam National Park and Parambikulam Tiger Reserve, Western Ghats Dr. PS Easa, Dhaneesh Bhasker (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2021) |
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Chemistry of marshy grassland soils in forest ecosystems of Southern Western Ghats, India Dr. S Sandeep, Renuka R (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2021) |
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Foraging ecology of birds on the kole wetlands of Kerala, India. Dr. EA Jayson , Greeshma P (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2021) |
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Assessment of human-wildlife conflict and mitigation measures in Malappuram District, Kerala, India Dr. EA Jayson , Riju P (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2021) |
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Assessment of ecosystem services from Parambikulam Tiger Reserve Dr. Syam Viswanath, Divya Soman (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2021) |
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Pedogenesis and geochemical transformations in forest ecosystems of the Western Ghats, Kerala Dr. S Sandeep, Vishnu PS (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2021) |
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In vitro studies for production of secondary metabolites and phytochemical characterization in medicinally important genus. Dr. AV Raghu , Rini Vijayan (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2021) |
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Regional differences in phenotypic and phytochemical profiles of selected medicinal plants in Kerala. Dr. TV Sajeev , Neethu R.S (Uni: FRI-U, Ph.D Awarded on 2020) |
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Tracing the invasion: Molecular phylogeography and phyloclimatic modeling of the Giant African Snal Achatina fulica (Bowdich, 1882) in South India. Dr. TV Sajeev , Keerthy Vijayan (Uni: FRI-U, Ph.D Awarded on 2020) |
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Ecology of Kavvai River Basin – A Fragmentaed Landscape in Kerala. Dr. TV Sajeev , Alex C.J (Uni: CUSAT, Ph.D Awarded on 2020) |
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Herpetofaunal diversity in swamp (Vayal) ecosystems in Periyar Tiger Reserve, Western Ghats Dr. PS Easa, Rajkumar K.P. (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2020) |
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Ecology and behaviour of amphibians of Eravikulam National Park, with special reference to bush frogs Dr. PS Easa, Sandeep Das (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2020) |
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Systematic studies, utilization and conservation of the genus Salacia (Celastraceae) in South India. Dr. N Sasidharan , Muhammad Anaz K (Uni: CU, Ph.D Awarded on 2019) |
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Molecular systematics and phylogeny of the genus Ochlandra Thw. (Poaceae) Dr. VB Sreekumar, Sijimol K (Uni: FRI-U, Ph.D Awarded on 2019) |
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