Notice Board » Tenders

Quotation(No.KFRI/Engg/2255/2024-25/13) dated 13.03.2025

Sealed competitive quotations are invited for the “Replacing window curtains in the Auditorium at KFRI as to reach the undersigned on or before 27th March 2025 up to 3 PM.  The quotations will be opened on the same day at 3.30 P.M. If the last date of submission of quotation happens to be a holiday last date will be next working day.

Rate quoted shall be including GST. You have to submit an invoice showing total value of work done including GST at the time of payment.

Name of work: - Replacing window curtains in the auditorium at KFRI Peechi.

Total Estimate Amount: - Rs.71400/-

Total Area: 595 Sqft.

Time of Completion- 15 days

More details can be had from the Institute Engineer on all working days. The institute reserves the right to reject any /all quotations without assigning any reasons whatsoever.                                                                                                


Date of notification: March 13, 2025 March 27, 2025
