Notice Board » Tenders

Quotation(No.KFRI/P/Advt/765/2025 Qtn 44/25-26 ) dated 03-03-2025

Kerala Forest Research Institute invited sealed quotation from reputed firms for the supply of chemicals, Outsourced Analytical Services, Glass wares, Plastic wares and other lab wares for a period of one year with effect from 01-04-2025 (2025-2026).

 Terms and conditions:

  1. Quotations should be sealed, super scribed as the “Quotation for supply of chemicals, Outsourced Analytical Services Glass wares, Plastic wares and other lab wares for a period of one year” with the quotation No.and date and should reach the Registrar, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi, Thrissur-680 653, on or before 25-03-2025 latest by 3.00 PM
  2. Quotations will be opened at 3.30 PM on the same day.
  3. Maximum rate of discount offered should be specified in the proposal.
  4. The rate of discount offered in the quotation should be valid for 1 year.
  5. The items should be delivered in KFRI Campus at Peechi, Thrissur and the Sub Centres of KFRI at Nilambur, Palappilli, Kuzhur(Mala) etc. as per the orders placed.
  6. If you are a manufacturer provide the details of authorised dealers of your products with certification to that effect and if you are a dealer, the Authorization letter from the Manufacturer is mandatory.
  7. Price list should be submitted in the form of catalogue/CD.
  8. The schedule of delivery and other conditions if any should be there in the proposal.
  9. A performance security insisted by the Institution should be submitted after getting confirmation of acceptance.
  10. Any quotation received after the time fixed on the due date is liable to be rejected.
  11. KFRI reserves the right to reject any or all of the quotations without assigning any reasons thereof.
  12. KFRI reserves the right to reject any or all of the Tenders without assigning any reasons thereof. In case of any dispute the jurisdiction shall be Ernakulam District, Kerala.
Registrar i/c

Date of notification: March 3, 2025 March 25, 2025
