Notice Board » Tenders

E-Tender(No.KFRI/2527/2024-P2-01-A) dated 04-02-2025

Online bids are invited on behalf of the Registrar, KFRI, Peechi on item rate basis from authorized vendors having similar experience in the field for the supply and installation of Low Depth Whole Genome Sequencing in a Single cover system. Specifications of which are given detailed in BOQ. Tender should reach on or before 17-02-2025 at 3.00 PM and opened at 18-02-2025 at 4 PM.

GST on e-tender fee (400/-) has to be remitted by the bidder directly to the Govt. under reverse charge mechanism.

Rate quoted should be excluding GST. For getting payment the supplier shall submit an invoice indicating their GSTN as well as the GSTN of KFRI (32AAATK6446J6ZG).

Tender documents may be downloaded from the E-GP website A bid submission fee of 400/- and EMD of ₹1,800/-. Should be remitted online.

         Tender No.

Item Name

EMD (Rs)

Cost  of Tender document



Low Depth Whole Genome Sequencing and SNP Variant Calling (9Nos.)



Registrar i/c

Date of notification: February 4, 2025 February 17, 2025
