Extension and Training � Extension

Extension wing serves as a facilitator for transfer of technology to the stakeholders. Problems and queries posed by forest department, industries and farmers are resolved in the light of expert advice from KFRI-scientific staff. Advices on control of pests and diseases of forest trees, soil and nutrient management, species-site matching, identification of specimens of plant, animals wood etc. are facilitated by the extension wing. Apart from these the extension wing also actively involve in spreading the message of nature conservation. As part of the action research programmes institute faculties were engaged in activities such as reclamation of degraded lands and forest watersheds, developing bio-shields in coastal areas, establishment of shelter belts in industrial areas, setting up of demonstration plot for multi-tier forestry. The Division facilitates transfer of technology to various stakeholders and conducts training programmes in different aspects of tropical forestry like forest management, forest seed management, medicinal plant cultivation, environmental impact assessment, biodiversity monitoring and evaluation, remote sensing and GIS, root-trainer technology, clonal propagation, tree improvement and statistical application in forestry. The Division has excellent facilities for conducting training programmes including lecture halls, trainees’ hostel, and vehicles for field trips.
Ongoing Research Projects
- Plant metabolomic studies in the genus Embelia found in Kerala.
- studies of the effect of elicitors and precursor feeding on in vitro production of secondary metabolites and plant growth in Oroxylum indicum
- Sclaing up of protocol in vitro tuberization for production of quality planting material of two tuber yielding medicinal plants and promotion of organic home-stead farming as an income generation opportunity for rural women in Kerala (Phase I)
- Establishment of bamboo bazaar
Dr. AV Raghu
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi 680653, Thrissur, Kerala, INDIA
Tel: +91-487-2690332
e-mail: extension@kfri.res.in