Books » Root Trainer Technology for Mass Production of Clonal Planting Stock

Root Trainer Technology for Mass Production of Clonal Planting Stock

Dr. J.K Sharma , Dr. M. Balasundaran
Size: Softbound; 18 x 24 cm
Pages: 123
Year: 2001
Price: Rs.250/ $25
ISBN : ISBN 8l-85041-28-8
Publisher: KFRI
Status: Available

Quality of planting stock and their genetic superiority are two of the most important factors deciding productivity of plantations. This book provides information on production of quality planting stock through the new method of Root Trainer Technology. The technique is very efficient also in developing clonal planting stock, especially of fast growing pulpwood species such as eucalypts. Methods for identification of fast growing disease resistant candidate plus trees of eucalypts and their multiplication in mist chambers for mass production of planting stock are also provided in the book.