Publications » KFRI Research Papers

KFRI Research Papers

Nandakumar, U.N.Managing Forests for Fuelwood, Fodder, Medicinal Plants, Timber and other NTFPs Biofuel through Multitier Forestry: A Case Study from Kerala.  2014  Proceedings of X II Silviculture Conference, 246-256Sijimol, K.; Suma Arun Dev; Muralidharan, E.M.; Sreekumar, V.B.. Journal of Bamboo & Rattan 13(1): 29-43. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Narayanankutty, T.P.; Revathy, V.S.; Mathew, George  2014  Diversity and distribution of butterflies in the Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science and Technology 3(1): 85-106. KFRI Scientific Paper 1451 . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Narayanankutty, T.P.; Revathy, V.S.; Mathew, George.  2014  Diversity and distribution of butterflies in the Shendurney Wildlife Sanctuary.. International Journal of Engineering Research and Science and Technology 3(1): 85-106. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Nirmesh, T.K., Sreekumar, V.B., Sanal, C.V. and Sreejith, K.A.  2014  Conservation of wild orchids in Kerala part of Western Ghats with special reference to endemic and threatened species. Proceedings of 5th National level Paper Presentation Competition, 16th December, Dept. of Zoology, Mercy College, Palakkad. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Pillai PKC, Sruthi MR, Mahendran R.  2014  Seed handling and nursery practices of Teak. . Teaknet Bulletin, Online Newsletter ofInternational Teak Information Network 7 (1): 2.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Prabhu Kumar KM, Hareesh VS, Nirmesh TK, Anilkumar KA, Sreekumar VB.  2014  Indira Balachandran. On the identity and occurrence of Gnidia glauca (Fresen.) Gilg var. sisparensis (Gardner) Kumari (Thymelaeaceae) in India. . Webbia 69(1): 131-135. KFRI Scientific Paper 1395.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Prabhu Kumar, K.M.; Hareesh, V.S.; Nirmesh, T.K.; Anilkumar, K.A.; Sreekumar, V.B.; Indira Balachandran.  2014  On the identity and occurrence of Gnidia glauca (Fresen.) Gilg var. sisparensis (Gardner) Kumari (Thymelaeaceae) in India.. Webbia 69(1): 131-135. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Ramachandran, V.S.; Swarupanandan, K.; Sanjappa, M.Status and distribution of Humboldtia bourdillonii (Leguminosae):  2014  An endangered tree species of the Western Ghats, India.. Tropical Ecology 55(1): 85-91. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Revathy VS, Mathew George.  2014  Seasonal fluctuations of Butterfly population: A study in Butterfly Garden at Peechi, Kerala, IndIa. International. Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 7(1): 29-35. KFRIScientific Paper 1449.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Revathy, V.S.; George Mathew.  2014  Identity, biology and bionomics of the common mine chilasa clytia linnaeus (lepidoptera: papilionidae).. Journal of Threatened Taxa 6(14): 6719-6722. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Revathy, V.S.; Mathew, George  2014  Identity, biology and bionomics of the Common Mormon, Papilio polytes Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae). IOSR Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 8(1): 119-124. KFRI SCIentifIC Paper 1450.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Revathy, V.S.; Mathew, George.  2014  Seasonal fluctuations of Butterfly population: A study in Butterfly Garden at Peechi, Kerala, India.. Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 7(1): 29-35. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Revathy, V.S.; Mathew, George.  2014  Identity, biology and bionomics of the Common Mormon, Papilio polytes Linnaeus (Lepidoptera: Papilionidae).. Journal of Environmental Science, Toxicology and Food Technology 8(1): 119-124. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Revathy, V.S.; Mathew, George; Sasidharan, N.; Muhammad Anaz, K.  2014  Note on the occurrence of bindahara phocides (fabricius) (lepidoptera: lycaenidae) as a fruit borer of salacia fruticosa heyne ex lawson at Peechi, Kerala, India. 2014 Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae;Kerala; Salacia fruticosa .. J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 111(3): 236-237. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Riju, P. Nair and Jayson, E.A.  2014  Assessment of human-wildlife conflict in northern Kerala. . (Abstract) National Symposium on Behavioral Ecology: Molecules to Organisms. Banaras Hindu University, 7th -9th November, p. 43. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Robi AJ, Jose PA, Udayan PS.  2014  Thottea sasidharaniana sp: Nov.. (Aristolochiaceae) from Peninsular India. Nordic. Journal of Botany 32: 11-14. KFRI SCIentifIC Paper 1348.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Robi AJ, Sujanapal P, Udayan PS.  2014  Cinnamomum agasthyamalayanum sp. nov. (Lauraceae) from Kerala, India. International. Journal of Advanced Research 2(10): 1012-1016. KFRI Scientific Paper 1419.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Robi, A.J., Sasidharan, N. and Jose, P.A.  2014  Hydnocarpus longipedunculatus (Achariaceae: Flacourtiaceae, s.l.): a new species from the Western Ghats, India. Webbia:. Journal of Plant Taxonomy and Geography 69 (2): 243 – 247. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Robi, A.J.; Sujanapal, P.; Udayan, P.S.  2014  Cinnamomum agasthyamalayanum sp. nov. (Lauraceae) from Kerala, India.. Journal of Advanced Research 2(10): 1012-1016. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Robi, A.J; Jose, P.A; Udayan, P.S.  2014  Thottea sasidharaniana sp. nov. (Aristolochiaceae) from Peninsular India.. Journal of Botany 32: 11-14. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sajitha KL, Florence EJM, Suma Arun Dev.  2014  Screening of bacterial biocontrols against sapstain fungus (Lasiodiplodia theobromae Pat.) of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.).. Research in Microbiology 165(7): 541-548. KFRI Scientific Paper 1446.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sajitha, K.L.; Florence, EJ Maria; Dev, Suma Arun.  2014  Screening of bacterial biocontrols against sapstain fungus (Lasiodiplodia theobromae Pat.) of rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg.).. Research in microbiology 165(7): 541-548. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
San deep S, Sujatha MP.  2014  Mineralogy of kaolin clays in different forest ecosystems of southern Western Ghats, India. . Current ScIence 107(5): 875-882. KFRI Scientific Paper 1355.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sanal, C.V., Sreekumar, V.B., Sujanapal, P., Suganthasakthivel, R. and Sreejith K.A.  2014  Eugenia singampattiana Beddome: a critically endangered medicinal tree from southern Western Ghats, India.. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Photochemistry 3 (1): 178 - 182. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sandeep Das, S., Prejith, M.P., Rajkumar, K.P., Alex, C.J., Prasad, T.S. and Sreejith, K.A.  2014  Amphibian Diversity of Laterite hills of Kavvayi River Basin, Kerala, India.. Malabar Trogon 12 (1-3): 31 - 34. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sandeep Das; Prejith, M.P.; Rajkumar, K.P.; Alex, C.J.; Prasad, T.S.; Sreejith, K.A..  2014  Amphibian diversity of laterite hills of Kavvayi river basin, Kerala, India.. Malabar Trogon 12(1-3): 31-34. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sandeep, S. and Manjaiah, K.M.  2014  Thermal stability of organic carbon in soil aggregates of maize wheat system in semi-arid India.. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 14 (3): 625 - 639 . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sandeep, S. and Sujatha, M.P.  2014  Mineralogy of kaolin clays in different forest ecosystems of southern Western Ghats, India. . Current Science 107 (5): 875 - 882 . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sandeep, S; Sujatha, M. P.  2014  Mineralogy of kaolin clays in different forest ecosystems of southern Western Ghats, India.. Science 107(5): 875-882. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sani Lookose  2014  Traditional teakwohod articles used in households of Kerala'.. In: Proceedings of the Science congress held during January 28-31 at Kerala Veterinary and Sciences University, Pookkodu, Wayanad. pp. 350 (Abstracts). . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Santhoshkumar R, Bhat KV.  2014  Variation in density and its relation to anatomical properties in bamboo culms, bambusa bambos (L.) Voss.. Journal of Plant Sciences 2(3): 108-112. KFRI Scientific Paper 1388.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Santhoshkumar, R.; Bhat, K.V.  2014  Variation in density and its relation to anatomical properties in bamboo culms, bambusa bambos (L.) Voss.. Journal of Plant Sciences 2(3): 108-112. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saranya Jothiramshekar, Eganathan Palanisami, Sujanapal Puthiyapurayil.  2014  Antioxidant Activity of the Leaf Essential Oil of Syzygium calophyllifolium, Syzygium makul, Syzygium grande and Eugenia cotinifolia ssp. codyensis.. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 4(1): 12-18. KFRI Scientific Paper 1354.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saranya, J., Eganathan, P. and Sujanapal, P.  2014  Antioxidant activity of the leaf essential oil of Syzygium calophyllifolium, Syzygium makul, Syzygium grande and Eugenia cotinifolia ssp. codyensis.. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 4 (1): 12 - 18. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saranya, Jothiramshekar; Eganathan, Palanisami; Sujanapal, Puthiyapurayil.  2014  Antioxidant Activity of the Leaf Essential Oil of Syzygium calophyllifolium, Syzygium makul, Syzygium grande and Eugenia cotinifolia ssp. codyensis.. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature 4(1): 12-18. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sasidharan N, Dantus KJ.  2014  Note on Three Exotics getting Naturalized in Kerala. International. Journal of Advanced Research 2(10): 1065-1068. KFRIScientific Paper 1418.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sasidharan, N.; Dantus, K.J.  2014  Note on Three Exotics getting Naturalized in Kerala.. Journal of Advanced Research 2(10): 1065-1068. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saumya MT, Surendran T, Hrideek TK.  2014  Vegetative propagation for different physiological ages of embelia ribes cuttings in different seasons. Research. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 2(2): 8-12. KFRI Scientific Paper 1448.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saumya MT, Surendran T.  2014  Vegetative Propagation of Embelia Ribes in Different Seasons.. Proceedings of 26th Kerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: January 28-31. 2495-2499. KFRI Scientific Paper 1491.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saumya, M.T., Jijesh, C.M., Hrideek, T.K. and Surendran, T.  2014  Standardization of propagation through cuttings in Salacia fruticosa Heyne ex Lawson: A medicinal plant endemic to Western Ghats. International. Journal of Agriculture, Environment and Biotechnology 7 (3): 565 - 570. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saumya, M.T.; Jijeesh, C.M.; Hrideek, T.K.; Surendran, T.  2014  Standardization of Propagation through cuttings in Salacia fruticosa Heyne ex Lawson: A Medicinal Plant Endemic to Western Ghats.. International Journal of Agriculture, Environment & Biotechnology 7(3): 565-570. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saumya, M.T.; Surendran, T.  2014  Vegetative Propagation of Embelia Ribes in Different Seasons.. Proceedings of 26th Kerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: 28-31 Jan. 2014 2495-2499. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Saumya, M.T.; Surendran, T.; Hrideek, T.K.  2014  Vegetative Propagation for Different Physiological Ages of Embelia Ribes Cuttings in Different Seasons.. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 2(2): 8-12. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Senthilkumar, S., Krishna Kumar N. and Prashanth, R.S. (Eds.)  2014  The impact of human-wildlife conflict in Peechi-Vazhani Wildlife Sanctuary, Thrissur, Kerala.. (Abstract) National Symposium on Behavioral Ecology : Molecules to Organisms. Banaras Hindu University, November 7th-9th, p. 44. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Somen CK, Roby TJ, Rakesh RR.  2014  Distribution, population status and conservation of Inga cynometroides (Bedd.) Bedd. Ex Baker; a critically endangered tree species from Kerala part of Western Ghats, India. Research. Journal of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences 2(4): 13-18. KFRIScientific Paper 1366.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sreejith KA, Sudhin PP, Prashob P, Sreekumar VB.  2014  Inventory of 'Vayal' Ecosystem in Periyar Tiger Reserve: A Preliminary Study from Pampa Rangei . In: Proceedings of 26thKerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: January 28-31 2535-2542 KFRI Scientific Paper 1477 . (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sreejith, K.A.; Sudhin, P.P.; Prasob, P.; Sreekumar, V.B,.  2014  Inventory of Vayal Ecosystems in Periyar Tiger Reserve: A Preliminary Study from Pampa Range.. Proceedings of 26th Kerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: 28-31 Jan. 2014 2535-2542. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sreejith, K.A.; Sudhin,P.P.; Prashob, P.; Sreekumar, V.B..  2014  Inventory of \91Vayal\92 Ecosystems in Periyar Tiger Reserve: A Preliminary Study from Pampa Rangei.. Proceedings of 26th Kerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: 28-31 Jan. 2014 2535-2542. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sreekumar VB, Hareesh VS, Sreejith KA, Nirmesh TK.  2014  Ethnobotanical studies of Mudugars in Muthikkulam high value biodiversity area with special reference to trees.. Proceedings of 26th Kerala Science Congress Pookode, Wayanad: January 28-31. 2558-2566. KFRI Scientific_ Paper 1479.. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
Sreekumar, V.B. and Henderson, A.  2014  Nomenclatural notes on Indian Calamus (Arecaceae). . Phytotaxa 166 (2): 145 - 149. (KFRI Scientific Paper No. ) Abstract
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