Books » State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (SBSAP) for Kerala

State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (SBSAP) for Kerala

Size: Soft bound, 21 x 28
Pages: 405
Year: 2005
Price: Rs.300/ $30
ISBN : ISBN 81-8-85041-53-9
Publisher: KFRI
Status: Available

This document on State Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan (SBSAP) is based on inputs received from several persons including subject experts, members of the Steering Committee and Thematic Working Groups during workshops/meetings/ public hearings. There are six main chapters in the SBSAP. The first chapter on introduction deals with background, scope, objectives, methodology and format of the Report. The second chapter provides information on Kerala State's history, physiography, climate, agro climatic zones, soils, agriculture, irrigation, landuse patterns, developmental programmes, industrial, socio-economic, political fields in relation to biodiversity. The third chapter deals with domesticated and wild biodiversity of Kerala State. The fourth chapter deals with the causes for the loss of wild and domesticated biodiversity as well as an overview on effectiveness of biodiversity related laws in preventing biodiversity loss. The fifth chapter discusses and highlights major initiatives and key actors involved in the conservation of wild and domesticated biodiversity. The sixth chapter deals with various strategies and actions under separate issues required for conservation, sustainable use and equitable access and sharing of benefits for both wild and domesticated biodiversity under each thematic Group.