Dr. PA Jose

Phone: 91 - 487 - 2312553
Mobile: 9495482748
e-mail: pajose@kfri.res.in , pajosekfri@gmail.com
Dr. P.A. Jose, Principal Scientist currently Head of Tree Physiology Department of Sustainable Forest Management Division have thirty three years of field/ research experience. He had served 23 years in Jawaharlal Nehru Tropical Botanical Garden and Research Institute, Palode. Specialized in population structure, dynamics and conservation of rare, endemic trees of Western Ghats, Kerala. Extensively experienced in species recovery of endemic and red listed trees of the Western Ghats viz., ecosystem analysis includes associated species, phenology, biotic interactions, climate and soil factors, vegetative and seed propagation, planting stock, development, enrichment planting in situ, post restoration monitoring and evaluation. His current interest covers climate change impact on endemic trees, physiological aspects on viability loss in recalcitrant seeds, ecological restoration of red listed trees, live plant collection and management including medicinal plants. He serves as Resource person on re