Dr. TV Sajeev

Chief Scientist

Phone: 91 - 487 - 2690222
Mobile: 9447125458
e-mail: sajeev@kfri.res.in , tvsajeev@gmail.com
Dr. T V Sajeev, Scientist Scientist E-1, Depertment Forest Entomology, has extensive research experience in Insect population dynamics, biocontrol, Alien invasive species. Currently he is involved in Managing Tree Health Helpline for the State of Kerala, researchn on the management of the giant African snail, an ailen invasive species, Survey, risk assessment, spread ecology and development of management protocols for alien invasive plants in Kerala. Currently he coordinates a Tree Health Helpline Desk in KFRI for the benefit of forest tree farmers in the State. He has a patent for development of a biopesticide using nucleopolyhedrovirus against the teak defoliator from a joint research in managing the teak defoliator pest.

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