Dr. Thomas P Thomas
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi P.O, Thrissur District
Kerala - 680653, India
Phone: 91 - 487 - 2690181
Mobile: 9447671813
e-mail: thomas@kfri.res.in
, thomas.kfri@gmail.com
Dr. Thomas P. Thomas, Scientist F, Department of Soil Science, has more than three decades of research experience in forest soils and ecohydrology. His curent interests includes studies on water conservation, soil quality, water quality and soil carbon. Curently he is carrying out research on the carbon storage potential of different age teak plantations in Kerala. A field study on the efficacy of lemon grass in controlling runoff and soil erosion is in progress. Soil and water quality studies include an investigation on the impact of industrialisation on soil and water quality in Koratty panchayath area and studies on the soil and water quality status of Kadukutty panchayath.