Dr. EP Indira
Kerala Forest Research Institute
Peechi P.O, Thrissur District
Kerala - 680653, India
Mobile: 9633087567
e-mail: indira@kfri.res.in
Dr. E.P.Indira, Scientist F & Programme Coordinator of the Forest Genetics & Biotechnology Division superannuated from KFRI after three decades of research experience in Forest Genetics, Molecular Genetics & Reproductive biology. She has been working in the area of species recovery of selected endangered rattan species of the Western Ghats and genetic diversity and conservation of Teak. She has undertaken research schemes funded by Kerala Forest Dept., DBT, MOEF, IPGRI, European Union, ITTO, CABI, APFORGEN etc. She has received training on Applications of Molecular markers in Forest Genetics and Breeding system at University of Putra Malaysia in 2000; Molecular markers for genetic diversity studies at Kasetsart University at Bangkok, Thailand in 2002 and in Data analysis for Population and Ecological genetics using molecular markers in 2003.