
Data are reported on wood and bark density, bark and heartwood, proportions of anatomical components (fibres, vessels, rays, parenchyma), and fibre length in stems and branches of 11 species: benteak (Lagerstroemia microcarpa), cashew (Anacardium occidentale), coraltree (Erythrina stricta), dhaman (Grewia tiliifolia), dillenia (Dillenia pentagyna), gurjan (Dipterocarpus indicus), irul (Xylia xylocarpa), kindal (Terminalia paniculata), padri (Stereospermum chelonoides), rubberwood (Hevea brasiliensis), and teak (Tectona grandis). In the majority of species there was n.s.d. between branch wood and stemwood in wood and bark density, or fibres, vessels, rays and parenchyma. Av. bark was significantly greater in branches than in stems. Av. fibre length was 12 lower in branches than in stems. There were also variations with position on stems and branches in wood density, bark and heartwood and fibre length