The paper discusses selected wood properties of 13 and 21 year old trees to asses the utilisation potential of small timer available form teak thinnings/short rotation plantations. Recent research results show that: (a) The mean under-bark dbh ranges from 10 to 24 cm and from 14 to 28 cm and from 14 to 28 cm in 13 and 21 year old trees respectively indicating the potential for utilising as timber (Class IV) and poles (Class II) in the existing girth classification system, (b) Heartwood proportion at breast height increase from 50 to 60 from 13 to 21 year-old trees with a corresponding decrease in sapwood, (c) while bending and compression (parallel to grain) strength properties at age 21 years are superior, those of 13 year old wood are almost similar to mature timber of 55-65 year old plantations, and (d) As compared to standard teak, the small timber resource in the age range of 13-21 years, is characterised by small diameter logs, low heartwood percentage, high sapwood