A new formula to quantify the stand quality of a forest ecosystem is validated in this paper through case studies and field checks. According to Ramakrishnan Index of Stand Quality (RISQ) pioneer index is 1 for the species requiring a small gap 2 for the species requiring moderate gaps for regeneration and 3 for the strong light demander species, with a strong canopy disturbance requirement. The 'RISQ' value obtained for mature trees, saplings and tree seedling layers in a relatively undisturbed forest patch as well as in a 10-year old selectively logged area in a wet evergreen forest at Nelliampathy, Kerala indicated that values for all layers are still higher in selectively logged area even after ten years than in relatively undisturbed area. This suggests that the forest recovery from the disturbance is till incomplete. RISQ values obtained for three sacred groves in Kerala namely, Iringole Kavu, S.N. Puram Kavu, and Ollur Kavu clearly demonstrated that Ollur Kavu is