Data are reported for 9 species, based on samples taken from 5 mature defect-free trees of each: dillenia, Dillenia pentagynagurjan, Dipterocarpus indicuserythrina, Erythrina strictadhaman, Grewia tiliifoliabenteak, Lagerstroemia microcarpa [L. lanceolata]padri, Stereospermum chelonoidesteak, Tectona grandiskindal, Terminalia paniculataand irul, Xylia xylocarpa. Bark specific gravity was higher than that of wood (compared using previously published data) in 6 species, while there wasno difference in 3 (benteak, irul and kindal)correlations between wood and bark specific gravity were significant for most species. Stem and branch bark specific gravity were not significantly different. Within-tree variation of bark specific gravity at 3 positions on the stem was not significantly different, but between-tree variation of stem bark specific gravity was significant for 5 species (benteak, dillenia, erythrina, irul and teak)