
Two sets of measurements were made: (1) in samples from trees in plantations of different ages (3, 5, 7 and 9 yr) in the same locality (the Devicolam Range of Munnar Forest Division)and (2) in samples from different localities - 3- and 5-yr-old plantations at Munnar and Vandiperiya, and 9-yr-old plantations at Munnar and Wynad. All plantations had a spacing of 2X2 m except that at Wynad (3X3 m) . Twenty-five trees were selected from each age group and 10-cm thick transverse discs removed at stump ht., b.h. and at 50 and 75 of tree ht. Heartwood per disc was estimated from measurements at 4 radii at right angles to one another, and an av. value calculated per tree. At the same locality heartwood increased from 36. 8 to 66. 4 from 3 to 9 yr old. Variation with ht. within the tree was greater than that between trees in each age class. Ht. and d.b.h. had little effect on heartwood within an age group. Between localities, the faster growing larger trees had a greater heartwood