Bark thickness, wood and bark density and wood anatomy were investigated in 6-cm thick transverse discs cut from 5 trees (28-30 yr old) growing at an estate near Nilambur, Kerala. Discs were cut at stump ht. (0. 5 m above ground) and at 50 and 75 of tree ht. The wood was light to moderately heavy but lighter than the bark. Fibre length (measured in macerated preparations) was higher than average for a fast-growing broadleaved species. Except for bark thickness and percent there were n.s.d. between measurements at the 3 heights for density, fibre length, and cell type (fibres, vessels, rays and parenchyma) percentages. Density and fibre length increased from the pith outwards but were const. or decreased near the bark. The radial patterns of densityand fibre length variation suggested the presence of a juvenile core of about 9 cm radius