
Primate community in Silent Valley National Park consists of four diurnal species namely lion-tailed macaque, Macaca silenusbonnet macaque, Macaca radiataNilgiri langur, Presbytis johni and Hanuman langur, Presbytis entellus. Fourteen distinct lion-tailed macaque troops were identified having a total of 275 individuals. Average troops size estimated was 19. 64 individuals per troop. Eighty-five distinct troops of Nilgiri langur were identifified having a total of 501 individuals. The sex ratio estimated was 1: 1. 99 females. Bonnet macaque sightings were cocentrated in the southern fringes of moist deciduous forests bordering the National park. The average troop size estimated was 12. 8 individuals per troop. Percentage composition of adult males estimated was 11. 45 and of the adult females 31. 25 resulting the adult sex ratio as 1: 2: 72. Hanuman langur troops were observed commonly in the moist deciduous forests of Mannarkkad forest division bordering the southern region