Pink disease caused by Corticium salmonicolor was observed in plantings of Acacia auriculiformis at several localities in Kerala state, where the species is widely planted by the Social Forestry section of the Forest Department. Mortality overall wasabout 10. Based on specimens from 2- and 3-yr-old plantations and 5-yr-old roadside plantations, symptoms of the disease are described - wilting and dieback of the main shoot beyond the point of infection at any place on the stem, where the affected area was characterized by pink encrustations and canker development. Epicormic shoots developed below the canker, but were killed in the next season as the disease progressed downwards. C. salmonicolor was isolated in pure culture, and its identity confirmed. Occurrence of the disease on other species in Kerala is noted (forest trees include Eucalyptus, Tectona grandis and Ailanthus etc.), and various horticultural and plantation crops are also affected