Ailanthus is a fast growing tree (family - Simaroubaceae) grown on a plantation scale in many parts of India. The species that are known to occur in India are A. excelsa, A. triphysa (A. malabaricum) and A. grandis. The two lepidoteran insects, Atteva fabriciella Swed. (Lepidoptera: Yponmeutidae) and Eligma narcisus indica Roth. (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) are recognized as the major pests in India. Of the two major pests of Ailanthus, A. fabriciella is the most serious one and results in considerable economic damage. Availability of tender leaves is a prerequisite for the establishment and survival of A. fabriciella. The absence of alternative hosts for E. narcisus makes Ailanthus more susceptible to this pest. However, no mortality of trees has been reported due to the attack of this pest. Though the two pests share the same host plant, there is no interspecific competition between the two and the two insects are well adapted to reach high densities periodically without