
Myristica swamps were first described from Kulathupuzha in Kerala State in 1960. The swamps have been accurately plotted over 1:50, 000 SOI toposheets enabling accurate relocation, spatial analysis and 3D visualization. Each swamp has a central stream, which causes inundation of the swamps. Each swamp has different inundation characteristics such as time period of inundation, depth of inundation and area under inundation. The soils of these swamps vary in texture from sandy soils to sandy loams to silt loams and rarely clay loams depending on locational factors including geology and physiography of the land; gradational variations within the swamps being not uncommon. Out of the 19 sample plots, Gymnacranthera farquhariana was dominant in 10 plots. Myristica fatua var. magnifica was the dominant tree in 6 swamps. The Myristica swamps are famed for its charismatic and archaic vegetation how ever studies documenting the animal wealth of these swamps are almost nonexistent. This study is the first effort to document and quantify animals of the Myristica swamps in Southern Kerala. Faunal biodiversity of the Myristica swamps consisted of Platyhelminthes- (Bipalium-2, tapeworm-1) 3 species, Nemathelminthes - 1 species, Annelida (Oligochaeta -2and Hirudinea-2) 4 species, Mollusca- 10 species, Unidentified Crustacean-1 species, Insecta- 281 species belonging to 83 identified families, Myriapoda-6 species and Arachnidae 54 species, Pisces 14 species, Amphibia 56 species, Reptilia 55 species, Aves 129 species and Mammalia 27 species. Patterns of diversity and abundance during day and night, across swamps and among months varied. The present study highlights the enormous biodiversity of the Myristica swamp forests. A challenge is how further studies can becarried out without disturbing the delicate ecosystem of these swamps