
Dalbergia is represented in Kerala by 18 species and one variety of which D. melanoxylon Guill. et Perr, and D. sissoo Roxb. are introduced. Of the remaining species, D. acaciifolia Dalz., D. beddomei Thoth., D. horrida (Dennst.) Mabberley, D. horrida var. glabrescens (Prain) Thoth. et K.K.N, Nair, D. malabarica Prain, D. sissoides Grah. ex Wt. et Arn. and D. travancorica Thoth, are endemic to Peninsular India and D. benthamii Prain earlier known from Hongkong is recorded from central Kerala for the first time. A taxonomic outline of the genus in Kerala is presented with illustrations and notes on the rare endemics