
Post harvest rattans are susceptiable to decay and fungal staining which adversely affect their physical and mechanical properties, aesthetic value, and serviceability. An average loss of 10-40 of the imported as well as locally procured raw material occurs due to biodeterioration. Improper seasoning, transportation under unfavourable weather conditions, poor storage and lack of preservative treatment are the possible factors which favour fungal deterioration. Botryodiplodia theobromae, Ceratocysts spp. Melanographium citri, are the most frequently encountered staining fungi in commercial rattan species. While fungi like Aspergillus niger, Chaetomium sp., Trichurus spiralis, Penicillium sp. cause surface blemishes, the organisms such as Schizophyllum commune, Coriolus sp. Merulius sp. Pycnosporus sp. cause the decay of rattans stored under high humidity. Staining is caused by the physical presence of the invading hyphae, fructifications, and spores as well as by brown