
The Pooyamkutty hydro-electric project is proposed to be constructed in the Western Ghats of Idukki district in Kerala State and its submergible and catchment areas come within 10 degree 0 min. to 10 degree 15 min. North latitude and 76 degree 40 min. and 76 degree 10 min. East longitude, in the Periyar river basin. The project envisages the construction of six major dams, three supporting dams and four power houses, with a total of approximately 456 sq. km of forest area as its submergible and catchment coverage. As part of a pre-construction stage analysis to assess the present ecological make-up of the region, floristic surveys were conducted during 1985-87 and the paper enumerates 340 and 171 taxa of angiosperms recorded from Pindimedu and Anamalai-Manali sectors of the project area